Part 34

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They ran on the rooftops, snuck kisses, and acted like young lovers. They teased each other, they play fought, and enjoyed one another's company. When the sun started to rise, they went to the chapel of the church and snuggled on the sill. They watched the sunrise and it was breathtaking.

Warm rays of light touched their skin and the gorgeous scene of oranges, reds, yellows, and scarlet painted the sky. Lorena felt content. She felt like she could die here and be happy. She slowly closed her eyes... and left the world.

Zachary felt inexplicable panic. Like he had lost his most important treasure. He quickly looked to the woman in his arms and found her eyes closed with a peaceful smile gracing her face. He checked for her pulse, there was none. He put his hand on her heart, there was nothing. What had happened? She had been fine five seconds ago! They were kissing, they were playing, they were finally happy. And now she was gone.

How could this be? Did she... leave me? She left me? She left! She... she...

Zachary felt his mind slowly crumble. It felt like he couldn't breathe. All of those moments, those memories together flashed before his eyes. Her pulling him through the crowd at the festival. Her happily munching on the candies. She looked up at him and offered him one. And although he never liked sweet things, that candy wasn't too bad. Then it morphed to him waking up and seeing her in his arms. Her eyes slowly opened and looked into his, she greeted him with a soft kiss and buried herself deeper into his arms. 

And then he saw her lifeless body in his arms. And he felt his thin line of sanity break. 

Lorena heard beeping. 

She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was in a hospital... because she fainted? She couldn't quite remember what had happened, other than she was going to go home. She felt her body fall and fainted. That was all that she remembered, but she felt like there was a huge piece she was missing. What was she missing? What had she... forgotten?

Yes! She had forgotten something... someone? Very important. She tried so hard to remember, but there seemed to be a thick fog that stopped her from remembering. She felt trails of wetness trail down her face. She felt her face with her hands and found they were years. The thing she forgot, it was really important. 

Her heart felt unprecedented sorrow. She felt hollow, empty. Like without him nothing mattered anymore. Wait, him? Yes, him. She had forgotten him. A silhouette of a man popped into her mind. Her heart ached. She needed to find out who he was! 

Somebody came in at this moment. She turned and saw it was the doctor. He was an older man with white hair slicked back and seemed to be very fit. He had a stern face, yet it held some gentleness when looking at her. Another silhouette flashed in her mind. He was in a black suit, but he wasn't the first man. The one her heart ached for. But she still felt a sense of loss when thinking of this old man.


Her throat was hoarse from not talking for a long time. The doctor brought over a cup of water and she drank it down greedily. 

"You fainted in the law firm. Your co-worker found you the next morning passed out on the floor and called 911. You were lacking necessary vitamins in your body and was severely sleep deprived."

"Did anyone come to visit me while I was out?"

"One woman did visit you, she claimed to be your colleague. Her name was... Miss Maria?"


That triggered something. Something negative. Lorena felt inexplicable disgust and rage towards that name. Red flashed her vision and she remembered a woman with red hair and blue eyes, a seductive figure... and her hovering over him

God, did this man I forgot love someone else? Is that why I forgot him? Because is pained me so much to see him with someone else? 

The thought of him with another woman, especially Maria, made her both mad and sad. She felt so mad at the woman and wanted to torture her in innumerable amounts of ways. And yet, she felt so sad when she thought of the man. She felt betrayed, she felt depressed, she felt sorrow. 

The long forgotten doctor noted her changing emotions. Was this perhaps not an accident? 

"You seem to be thinking about a lot of things right now, that is normal. I'll check in with you regularly and you can be on your way in a week or so. For now, rest is the best for you."

Lorena absentmindedly nodded. The doctor then left her alone with her thoughts. All of this thinking made Lorena's head hurt. She just wanted to remember... or did she? She wasn't sure anymore. She slowly let sleep overtake her...

Zachary stood at the crystal coffin he had made for her. It had been three days since she had.. died. Left him alone, in this cruel world. He no longer had any motivation or desire to continue with his plans, yet did so anyways. It was her idea to begin with, so the least he could do was finish this for her. He doubled his efforts into making the Garrula family and the royal family fall out with each other and it definitely showed. 

Reina Garrula fell victim to one of her bodyguards. Said bodyguard escaped in the night and was never heard of again. Cade Garrula was found outside of a casino dead, people thought that he had accumulated debt with the owner and was disposed of. The royal family dealt the finishing blow on the Garrula family and accused them of treason. Arthur was executed and so were the rest of the members of the family. The children were sent to orphanages in other countries and were never heard from again. 

All of this had happened, and yet Zachary felt no happiness. He felt empty, as if their deaths were only a matter of course. As if the people who had died were not his so called family. All he wanted was her. All he wanted was his Lorena. But why was the only thing he wanted the only thing he couldn't get? 

Life truly was a sadistic son of a bitch. 

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