Chapter 13: Home Is Where The Heart Is

Start from the beginning

"A long story for another time," Shun really didn't want to bother with storytime right now.

"Please don't tell me that you jumped into a fight with some villains and lost your damn arms and a leg!" Deep deep down you didn't want Shinsou's theory on the anonymous heroic teen from nearly two years ago being your brother to be true. The boy who got himself involved in a villain raid and got put through the wringer losing three of his limbs in the process. Judging by how Shun could only stand there and give you the wildest looks, Shinsou's theory was set in stone. "That's what you really did didn't you?" You mentally facepalmed.

"How did you?" He choked out. At this point in time, Shun isn't surprised by much of anything but you've managed to do the impossible. "The only people that know about my leg was your boyfriend and his broccoli haired friend! Even then, I didn't tell them what happened!!!" Shun hasn't even told his own parents the truth! Why would he tell your boyfriend the whole story?

"I'm sorry," you had no choice but to apologize. Your brother wore the most betrayed expression he could give. There's times when one shouldn't talk and you didn't follow that one valuable piece of advice and stepped out of line anyways. "One of my teachers and his apprentice has been looking into you well before I came out of the ice. That's how I know and as much as I know..."

"Wh-who?" The color drained out of Shun's face. He's already a pale boy as it was but he's more than terrified. What happened to his stone cold demeanor? What's wrong with him?

"My teacher, Eraserhead and his apprentice. He's the one everyone keeps mistaking you for."

"Why though?" Her teacher is a pro? Eraserhead too? Holy shit... I'm in deep shit if he's watching me like a hawk.

"Can't be anything bad," you reassured him. "Seriously! Mr. Aizawa is a really chill guy and he seems to really like you!"

"O-Oh..." Your brother finally took a breather. "If a Pro was investigating me, I thought I did something wrong. I mean I know I've done some pretty dumb shit, but nothing bad enough to get into any legal trouble," now that would explain a lot. It's sort of like that feeling you get whenever you're called to the principal's office. Normally when someone is called into there, they're in trouble. Although not always. No wonder why Shun was beginning to freak out.

"Anyways," might as well change the subject. You've tortured him long enough. "Don't take this the wrong way but... Why are you here? I'm supposed to go home anytime now."

"I haven't had the time to see you and heard you were still here."

"How come you're the only one who's making any attempt to bond with me?" You frowned. You're thankful that he's here. It's just that out of everyone in your extended family Shun seems the least likely to bond with you period. "Where's Dad? Out of everyone at home, I expected him to be here the most."

"Mom and Dad can't make public appearances since they're famous and all," with famous parents comes an icy avalanche of disappointment. Shun has been let down by them more times than he can count. All those school concerts, events, sports games, club activities his parents missed out on them all. They won't even make an effort to disguise themselves. "Me though... Is it wrong that I'm visiting you?"

Oh great now he's offended... "Again, don't take this the wrong way, but I thought we didn't exactly connect on day one."

"Me too... Sort of," he shrugged awkwardly. "Look... I'll admit, I was a jackass when we met. I've had to practically raise myself because all of my-" The boy coughed. "OUR siblings were either too old or too young." Shun had rightfully corrected his mistake. Raising yourself was something you understood more than anyone. Dad was never around because he was too busy chasing his own dreams, mom always worked and you were an only child at the time. While Shun does have siblings, it is also true he raised himself. His older sisters are practically double his age and have families of their own. No wonder why Shun is reaching out to you. "I'm glad to finally have a sister the same age as me. On top of it all, Dad's stories about you sparked my interest in heroes. You're kind of like my sister and role model wrapped up in one!"

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