"Missed you today," Harry crooned, his hand sliding down from her neck to the hand on his chest, "I wanted to leave in the middle of appointments and come get you. I feel like I haven't seen y'in so long."

His hand wrapped around her fingers before pulling them up to his mouth and pressing a kiss to the top of her hand. (Y/N) laughed at him, "You saw me yesterday, H."

"For twenty minutes before y'had to go to class. That's not long enough, angel," Harry challenged, his fingers squeezing her's, "I like spending time with m'girlfriend, what can I say?"

That last comment got her feeling so soft. It was still so nice, and new hearing him call her his girlfriend. She'd never been that to anyone before, and to hear her Harry—her tattooed, pierced, protective Harry—call her his girlfriend just made her heart bloat from the full feeling she got. "I like spending time with you, too."

Harry just smiled at her, facing away and pulling away from the curb. His hand stayed held in hers, running his polished thumb along the edge of her own. His speakers sounded with music from a new playlist she'd never heard from before. This one was actually entitled with letters that matched her initials followed by a flower emoji. She squeezed his hand in her's after reading that bit, and tuning into the upbeat love song playing.

"What are we doing today?" she asked after a song she particularly liked finished playing. Her fingers traced along the tattoos on Harry's hand, particularly this one of a little honeybee in between his thumb and forefinger.

"I thought we could spend the afternoon outside, if that's okay. The weather's nice, and I put together a picnic so we could eat in the park," Harry explained, glancing over at her as he drove. (Y/N) loved that idea. Harry had told her a little while back of this park he went to when he needed to sketch out ideas for the shop's design book; particularly this small secluded spot that not a lot of people ventured towards even though he said it looked like the type of field The Great British Bake-Off would set up their tent in.

(Y/N) agreed with a small okay as he drove them to the park in question.

Once there, it wasn't nearly as busy as (Y/N) would have assumed from the weather. She did figure since it was around noon on a Tuesday that people were still busy with work and school, but how anyone would stay inside on a day like this was wild to her. Harry exited the car and met her on her side before opening the back door and pulling out a deep green canvas bag with what she assumed was their food and other things he could have packed. He took her hand in the other and led her down the trail. She followed him towards the back corner behind the main focal point of a fountain, with a rather large cluster of trees blocking his spot from the main stream of people. Behind the tiny forest was the field with wild flowers and bright sunshine that he had told her all about. In the shade of the largest tree, Harry pulled a navy blue quilt from the bag and laid it out before sitting down and pulling her with him.

"Do y'like it?" Harry asked, pulled her closer for a moment and pressing a kiss on her already blushing cheek.

"Yeah, it's so pretty, H. Thank you for bringing me here," she concurred, leaning closer to him right under his arm.

He hummed in acknowledgment before leaning closer to her. He ducked his head down and pressed a kiss to the skin in front of it, "Not as pretty as you, but I know what y'mean."

She whined out his name, hiding her face behind her hand. He still was able to make her all bashful, and flushed with just the sweetest and easiest of compliments. She's sure it'd never get old.

Harry just laughed at her embarrassment, pressing another kiss to her face. He reached towards the bag he had placed on the corner of the blanket, pulling out small take out containers from the little Chinese restaurant that had become a favorite of their's. (Y/N often considered it their restaurant).

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