(Y/N) went towards the front again, Elizabeth trailing behind her with an embarrassed look on her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. He just didn't look like someone you'd hang out with."

"No, you're fine, Elizabeth. I know. Thank you for worrying about me," she sent her friend a smile over her shoulder, not stopping her movements out of the maze of bookshelves. (Y/N) didn't really appreciate how she said Harry didn't "look like someone" she'd hang out with. She knows that Harry has all his tattoos and dark clothes and all, but he's a good person and she likes him a lot. It doesn't much matter what he wanted to put on his skin or what he wanted to wear, it only mattered who he was.

And (Y/N) thought he was quite cute, so whatever.

After finding her way out of the true crime section, (Y/N) was now able to see her Harry leaning about the check out station with his phone in his hand. She doesn't know if it's because she hadn't seen him in a week and had been building up this moment in her head during those passing days, but she could almost feel her breath being taken away. His hair being extra shiny, his clothes seeming extra black and mysterious, and his tattoos seems to almost hug him tighter and animate without his movements, like a small celebration of being apart of him. His piercings seemed to sparkle under the library light like a couple of stars he held on to after he finished hanging the moon and decorating the sky. Not a smudge of eyeliner, a single hair out of place, a piece of lint on his clothing, nothing was out of place like he had been specifically styled and put together for some photoshoot. Like some sort of painting or sculpture put together by Michelangelo himself. There was just one little change (Y/N) noticed; one tiny thing out of place she wouldn't have noticed if she hadn't really looked at him.

His nails were pink. Not any type of bright fuchsia, or purpled magenta, but a baby pink. She liked it a lot.

"Harry! What are you doing here? I don't get off for another ten minutes," (Y/N) called, emerging into the tiled lobby area. Harry flicked his head up, quickly tucking his phone away and standing up from his leaning on the desk.

His lopsided smile molded his features, waiting till she got closer to speak to her. "I know, I jus' thought I'd come get y;a little early and see if you'd like to have dinner. To make up for not coming by the other night and all. If it's alright with you, of course," Harry explained.

Dinner? Like a date?

"That sounds really nice, thank you," she shyly started, her gaze going to her nails as per usual when Harry said something sweet like that, "let me see if they'll let me leave now, so you don't have to wait too long. Just—uh—stay here, I'll be right back."

(Y/N) started off towards the back office to find Elizabeth, not waiting on Harry's reply. She just wanted to get out of here and wherever Harry felt like taking her.


Of course Elizabeth allowed her out early, not wanting to extinguish (Y/N)'s mood. Clocking out and quickly gathering all her things, (Y/N) was out in the lobby in record time.

Harry was stood in the same spot she left him, now just looking around at the decor and layout of the library. Once he heard her footsteps approaching, his gaze quickly shifted to her.

"Tha' was fast," Harry commented, walking alongside her towards the door. (Y/N) just smiled at him as he held the door open for her.

After settling into Harry's car, no move was made to leave the parking lot. Harry just turned the engine on, leaving them both in the warmth and the soft playlist he had been listening to on his way here.

"Where are we going?" (Y/N) excitedly asked, buckling herself in before looking to Harry.

His own gaze was already fixed on her, ready to ask her that same question. "I was wondering where y'wanted to go, actually."

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