Chapter 12!

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The pair arrived perfectly on time, in fact plenty early, which allowed the duo to pay their respects to the soon to be married couple. They walked down the halls to the room that Rintaro had texted her about, Ema would also be meeting Miwa and Rintaro there for the same reasons. That fact was proven quickly as they encountered Ema in the hall, about to knock on the door to the room Rintaro directed them to. "Oh, Mei! You're pretty early-and you look so pretty!"

Ema looked at Nageki for a few moments before the confusion lifted from her face, "And you must be her manager and friend, Mr. Fujiwara right? I saw a picture of the two of you together on her phon-"

"Ema! Don't-" Mei's face was practically glowing with embarrassment as now Nageki would know the picture of them together was her background after the phone was unlocked.

"Oh ho? Is this true Mei? You really love me that mu-" Mei immediately jabbed the tall man in the gut with her elbow, cutting off his sentence as her face showed a bright red hue from both anger and shame. He couched a few times before turning his apathetic gaze to Ema, who looked a mixture of worried and amused at their antics, "Yes, I am Fujiwara to answer your question, but don't be too formal since I'm sure I'll be your brother-in-la-"

Another jab to the stomach was delivered, this time Mei ignoring the man's existence completely and stepping away from him. "Ema, why don't we go in to see Rintaro and Ms. Miwa? That's what we came over here for afterall."

"Ah.." Ema looked over at Nageki who still had a hand over his stomach and sweatdropped, "yeah, let's do that."


Ms. Miwa had finished gushing over the girls and they were now departing from the room to go and wait in the chapel for the ceremonies. However, upon opening the door Nageki became visible to the two adults inside from where he leaned casually against the wall. Miwa's quick wits didn't disappoint as she noticed the correlating colors of his tie and Mei's dress. "This is the one you wanted to bring as your plus one, right? My, he's very handsome."

Upon noticing they were talking about him, Nageki moved forward, his usual listless attitude now replaced with a completely confident way of moving and speaking. Though his apathetic expression stayed the same, he had the same aura as the kind of person you might find running a large company, all politeness and business. "Good morning, Ms. Asahina, Mr. Hinata. I'm very grateful to be allowed to be here today with Mei and I'm wishing you both the best of luck and happiness with your future as a married couple."

"No need to thank us, why, you're so polite no guardian could object to you hanging around their child! I'm sure that Rintaro agrees its nice to know that Mei has people she's close to, right?" Rintaro responded with a kind smile and a nod, glancing over at Mei to direct the happiness in his eyes towards her, he really did want her to know he meant it.

"Well, we'll let you two finish getting ready. We'll be seeing you in the chapel soon after all." Mei smiled earnestly back at Rintaro, to show him that she understood, and took the lead in guiding the other two out of the room, going so far as to hold Nageki's hand for a few moments while lost in the happy feelings that pervaded her senses from being around the couple. Ema who walked on the other side of Mei was the only one who had the chance to notice the slight smile on Nageki's face as she held his hand, or that endearing look in his eyes. 

Upon arriving outside the chapel, the two girls entered through the large doors taking in the look of the place. Nageki had opted to sit on a bench not far from the entrance, to wait for Mei to force him into the slightly more uncomfortable seating of the chapel. Upon their entrance, Mei had been listening to Ema talk about how she would want to be married in a chapel when the time came, so at first they hadn't noticed the orange haired man standing in the center aisle looking over to watch them curiously. "What are you doing in here?"

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