Chapter 2

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P.O.V. Unknown

I picked up speed as I felt the wind whip through my fur. The trees just a blur of green as I jumped and leaped over fallen trunks. My wolf growls with pleasure as I come up to the small lake. The sun reflects off it and the water is so clear you can see the small fish darting in between the lily pads and rocks. I can hear a toad croak in the distance. I bent down and lapped up the refreshing water while still in wolf form. My swirling blue eyes reflecting back up at me.

Another gust of wind flies through the forest, swaying the trees and then any sound fades. All the animal noises, all the insects and the rustle of the trees stops. As if the the forest has been put on pause. I sniff the air for any predators only to smell the most delicious aroma to ever exist. I look up to see on the other side of the lake a body. I knew right then that it was the reason for the aroma.

My wolf was howling in my head. On instinct I went to the frail figure. Before getting to close I hid behind a tree and shifted into my human form. I was lucky and have been here before so I had hid clothes which were very handy at the moment.

I walked over to find the most breath-catching being to ever walk the Earth laying on the ground. Beauty that out-shined any she-wolf or anything for that matter that I have ever seen. She had brown hair with a tint of red in it where the sun shined with high cheekbones and plush, pink lips that blessed her figure. Her body was spread across the forest floor with her fingers in the water. A long white gown flowed from her perfect body.

The one thing that I wanted to see most was her eyes but they were peacefully closed. I then realized that her body was slowly grasping to the earth. Almost as if she had roots growing from her.

Nymph. She was a nymph, I realized. Then my wolf howling finally made sense, this is my mate. A powerful force hit me so hard that I stumbled back when I realized that my beautiful nymph mate is laying before me dead.

Facing DeathOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz