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Uriah was pacing back and forth as his own brother watched him and he didn't want to talk to anyone. He was angry at himself for letting Petunia slip away but he was also worried. If she really did gain her powers then it was a ball changer and he needed to have her. Especially if she was in danger then even if he may be against having to properly mate, he still needed to protect her. It was one thing to not be with your mate, and it was another if your mate was dead.

He knew from experience what it was like to grow without a father figure. His father was a man who didn't want a family and he gave his mother what she wanted and that was children. While he got to roam the earth and enjoy all of its pleasures, he came back to break his mother's heart again and again making Sure there was no way for her to latch onto him. And that was get her pregnant so she couldn't abandon her children. As the eldest, he couldn't remember when was the last time he had seen his dad and he would be lying to himself if he remembered him. For all he knew, his father could be dead but if that was possible, then his mother would have been dead as well. If not for physically then mentally and he wondered if that was the reason she was so cold to them.

Seeing his family life and those around him scared the shit out of him and even though it should have deterred him from doing the same mistakes, he wanted his mate to be happy with whoever she was with and that even meant if it wasn't with him. Hell,  they didn't even like each other let alone know each other before he took from her what no one else would be able to. Her innocence.

Now it was most likely his fault that her power maturity had grown and she may be in danger. If there was one thing he regretted so far, was meeting his mate.

Petunia had stayed the night at her temporary home and she learned a small amount from her host. Cass used to be a medical scientist who was specializing in biological DNA rewriting and Kanin was a test subject. They succeeded in another scientist who had given Kanin a strand of Source power turning him in part into a shifter. The original host of the shifter was long dead and he was adopted by a Den of Lions whose brothers shifter lied inside of Kanin. It had been two years since the incident and the couple had married but due to the Source laws, because Cass and Kanin were technically not mated, they wouldn't be able to have children.

She had also learned that the men who had attacked her in her hotel room was the same who eluded The Enforcer's capture and were on the run stealing Source specie's essence. She also learned that Enforcers were the Source's version of a military/police force and they did everything from shady business to police work.

It had been a bit over a day and she knew she was hiding from both her family and Uriah. Makita had told her than while she wore her necklace she would be unimaginably untraceable and she used that as a shield. While she had hours and a day to think it over, nothing changed the fact that she was pregnant and she was going to become a mom to what Cass said, a hybrid baby in the making. She would be the first Source member in centuries to be mated to another species and though there had been a few in the past, some hybrid babies did not make it past infancy due to difficulties and mutations within the genetic makeup.

That scared the hell out of her even more and she wanted to pass out from nausea and dizziness. But she knew she couldn't hide out at her friendly host's home forever. The second day of staying over, Petunia noticed that though Cass was human, she was a medical professional and oddly enough had many clients who were Source members. It was odd to Petunia that she knew who they were because she could sense something in people she never knew existed before. It was almost as if each person carried a different Aura if not color to their being and she was starting to be able to distinguish the difference between them all. It was probably how Uriah and her parents knew right off the bat what the other one was.

She also felt different not from being pregnant, which started to explain why she had waves of nausea, frequent bathroom trips, and had to cut down on the caffeine, but she felt almost powerful and whole. Like she had a new bounce in her step and life was just wonderful. It could be her new found elation or that she could finally be accepted by her parents.

Petunia knew it was time to start facing reality and she could try by accepting who and what she was as she thanked her hosts and tried to concentrate on doing her teleporting. She thought of home and her parents and how she wanted to be with them as Makita's voice filled her head. She really had to want it to get there and she did.

Her body felt light like a feather as her being moved almost physically as if slowly being pushed. But just as Quick as she felt herself moving forward there was a gust as if a bus had hit her and she hurt as every motion stopped and nausea rolled over her like a tsunami.

"Found you." A voice said as she cried out in pain to find herself on her knees and darkness rushing into her brain. She wasn't where she was wanting so hard to be and something wasn't right as her brain tried to register what was happening. A crack sounded and she saw as her necklace fell to the ground pavement and shattered into pieces and liquid pooled around her knees. A stinging pain was registering in her head and she saw that someone had sliced her tendon at her heels and she couldn't move them. Next, it was her face falling and the realization that even her arms were failing to catch her as she fell forward only to be brought up by her neck.

A hulking figure was glaring at her and he had protruding muscular arms as if he spent too much time in a gym and steroids for his own good, tightened his grip. He lifted her off the ground and she briefly saw black spots dance around her vision as she tried to struggle but her body was not cooperating and her head tried to catch up with what was happening.

"I can almost say that you're the one who almost go away. But I don't give up." A familiar voice said as Petunia tried to think of the face that went with the voice. It was the Dark Warlock and he had found her somehow. Now as Dark circles were clouding more of her vision, her last thought was that she had to save her baby or die trying.

Under the moonlight with a shifterWhere stories live. Discover now