♛ Chapter Eight ♛

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Near the end of class, the school secretary, Xena Richardson came on the intercom in every classroom. "Good morning everyone. I am happy to announce I finally picked out our theme for prom at the end of the next month!" Her perky voice greeted the whole school, pushing her platinum blonde bangs from her face and her blue eyes sparkled.

"Many thanks to Ariana Green and her ideas for this year's senior prom! I have decided to go with the Cinderella-themed prom since she has always been my favorite princess. Of course, this will be much different than before. Ariana created a website that will make those who wish to run for prom king and queen anonymously under a username you create. You will be picked by your responses on topics I and others post which you will reply to after you log in. Replying is only meant for those running, making it fair for anyone to join."

"Then on Friday, every two weeks, we will have a public reading of the questions and answers with those who I choose to represent those who entered. So, you can better understand who you want to vote for prom queen and king. This will start tomorrow and last three months before the prom is to start. That is when voting will happen and on the night of prom, the queen and king will be announced by the number of votes given anonymously."

"However there is another twist: it will be a masquerade ball so no one knows who anyone is until the prom queen and king have heir special dance together. How romantic, huh? Super cute."

"The final game will be on Wednesday, then senior prom will be on Thursday and lastly, Friday, you all will graduate. We are doing things a little differently this year too to see if we can avoid the same mistakes that happened last year. That was a mess and we do not need a repeat either."

"The website will be posted on the bulletin board along with any other information you will need. Don't take anything to heart this is for all fun and winning, whether you do or don't, it isn't a big deal."

"Those who run for prom queen and the king will need to put their real name when you sign up and a week before prom starts, you will submit pictures of the outfit you will be wearing and if you make any alterations on the day, please let me know. This will be for my eyes only. You can send it to my email which will also be on the board. Thank you for this PSA, now get back to those books." She pressed the button and the call ended.

Celine turned towards the class and smiled. "I can tell many of you are excited beyond belief, but I do not want you to sacrifice the last three months of school to put everything into winning." She said, hearing the bell. "Class dismissed."

"All right, Steph," Ariana grabbed her friend's arm tightly as she walked toward the door. "I signed you up and before you say anything, you are running for prom queen." She squealed with utter excitement and joy.

"Ariana," Stephoné sighed heavily, not understanding why she would do such a thing. "How could you? You didn't even ask me if I wanted to run or not." She exclaimed softly. "I don't want to run, I don't want to be prom queen."

Ariana had seen that coming and was prepared. "Steph, it is all anonymous, they won't know its you until the grand revel after the first dance. You have bluntly of time to muster up any courage you can, I mean, who knows what can happen in three months?" She nudged Stephoné's arm with a smile.

Stephoné crossed her arms over her chest and then rubbed her upper arms. "What username did you give me and what did you say?"  She sighed heavily, letting her arms fall to her sides like limp noodles.

Ariana pulled out her phone and pulled it up showing it to William and Stephoné. "Cinderella? Ironic huh? I gave a small bio merely saying how if you get picked you will show that money or power is what changes the world but a spark of an idea and dedication to bring it to life. You did say that at our school's New Year's Eve party."

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