♛ Chapter Fifteen ♛

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"How to avoid Sabrina for the rest of the day?" Kwan asked no one in particular, he was more or so thinking out loud as he walked beside Cooper and Daniel towards the cafeteria.

Daniel sighed, shoving his hands in his jeans pockets. "There is no avoiding Sabrina and her friends. They'll sit with us at lunch. I just know it." He steadfastly said, not a hint of doubt in his voice.

Cooper wasn't exactly keen on Sabrina nor her friends, well, only Lacy, Kiki seems harmless. "It's not like we can avoid them, besides, this is no different than back home and having to deal with colorful characters."

Daniel crossed his arms over her chest and tapped his foot lightly on the floor. "Sabrina reminds me of Samira, could be a decent person if she didn't let her money and power go to her head." He shook his head at his own words.

Cooper had always known Daniel wasn't fond of Samira since he had known her a little longer than he had. "Samira is a decent person. Yes, she's a little overly confident and a little blunt at times, but she's a genuine person with a huge giving heart."

Daniel raised his eyebrows at his brother's optimal words for Samira. "Of course, you'd say that. Once you come back to the pal- um, house, you spend a lot of time with her because her father pushed for it since it's clear he's got his mind set on marriage." He corrected himself from the little slip-up.

Cooper had heard talks about an arranged marriage, but it was simply just jest, nothing more, nothing less. "Mum and Dad wouldn't agree to that, especially with everything that's going on right now. I'm far too young to get married and I would only ever take the throne in Dad's passing, which won't happen anytime soon."

Daniel wasn't so sure that was the case considering their circumstances. "Just wait until all this is over and we go back. Samira and her parents are waiting for an alliance with their duchy and they will make it known and pressure our parents into agreeing to some degree." He warned, shaking his finger at Cooper.

Kwan didn't like where this was going and wanted to move on to another subject. "Okay, okay, let's not go down that path. It's in the future and we should just focus on the here and now, okay?"

Daniel exchanged looks with Cooper then let out a heavy sigh. "Fine." He mumbled, hanging his head down as he filed into the lunch line. "Maybe we should get Mum to make us lunch instead of having to get it here." He mused, missing his mother's cooking.

Cooper hasn't had the thought cross his mind. He could be eating gourmet food instead of this lunch here, he wasn't exactly going to call it food. "Then why didn't you ask her that last night?" He inquired, tilting his head to the side.

Daniel scratched his head as he sheepishly laughed. "It slipped my mind. But, thankfully, I will remember and ask her tonight or at least when we get home." He made himself a mental note and added it to the notes on his phone as well.

Kwan glanced towards the tables out of the corner of his eyes and looked back at his friends. "Don't look, Sabrina is at the only empty table besides Stephoné's." He informed his friends, hoping they'd take a hint.

Daniel nonchalantly glanced out of the corner of his eye and frowned. "I'm sure she planned it so we would have to sit with her." He steadfastly said, having zero qualms about his assumption. "She's really that conniving isn't she?" He asked rhetorically, grabbing a tray.

Sabrina's eyes focused on the three boys. She didn't know what they were talking about but she could only gather they had noticed her staring. "I think they finally noticed that we are at the only available table -"

Kiki quickly cuts Sabrina off, not in the mood to listen to her lie. "It's not the only available table, Stephoné, Will, and Ariana are at an empty table." She flatly explained, pressing her lips into a thin line afterward.

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