Ups & Downs

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*one month later*

I lit the second candle on the table and dimmed the lights.

His dinner is already set out on the table.

The kids are all sleep and Chris should be home about now.

I heard the front door open then close and seconds later Chris walked in.

"Hi," I said nervously.

His face remained unbothered. Not surprised, happy or anything.

"What's this?" he asked taking a seat across from my chair.

"A small date." I said, taking my own seat.


"Us. Look I'm tired of all the fighting, the silent treatments, and just everything that has been going on these past ten months." I said and he nodded and cut a piece of steak off his plate.

"I am too. But there's gotta be a certain level of trust for us to be together." he said in between chews.

"Remember when you used to always think I was cheating or up to something... then you turned around and did it." he said and let out a small chuckle.

"And I'm truly sorry. Just give me another chance because at the end of everyday I love you and I love this family." I said and a small smile flashed across his face.

"We're good." he mumbled with food in his mouth.

"What do you mean we're good?" I asked and waited for him to swallow.

"I forgive you." he said and I went around the table and hugged him.

He kissed my shoulder and put his fork down.

"Go upstairs. I'll be up in a minute." he told me and I did as told.

I heard him begin to wash the dishes and I changed out of the dress I was wearing and into some new lingerie I had bought from VS.

I sprayed on my Burberry perfume and I heard Chris coming up the stairs.

"Give me five minutes." he said closing the door behind him and taking off his shirt, heading to the bathroom.

I laid on the bed and waited five minutes and the shower was still running.

I let out a small huff and waited another five minutes and he still was in the shower.

I placed my head on the pillow and soon enough I was going to bed.


I was woken out my sleep by wet kisses being sprinkled on me.

"Chris?" I mumbled and got a 'shh' in response.

He rubbed his hands down my waist and to my butt.

"Chris what're you doing?" I asked.

"Just hush." he commanded and I layed my head back down.

He kissed down to my box and slipped his tongue in which caused me to gasp.

"Christopher," I mumbled when he swirled his tongue around and nibbled on my clit.

He gently snuck a finger in and French kissed my other lips, making me grab a tight hold of the sheets.

When I was on the verge of cumming, my phone began to ring.

I reached onto my nightstand and answered it.

"Hello?" I said and heard sniffling.

"Baby I'm sorry." my mom sighed.

"Chris stop." I said pushing his head away from me.

"What happened mom?" I asked her and she sniffled some more.

"I don't want to tell you this... but your grandpa died."

My mouth suddenly became dry and I had no idea what to say.

"How? When?" I asked wiping my already soaked cheeks.

"His radiation surgery for his cancer didn't go well earlier today." she said.

My grandfather was a part of me. He was there all the times my dad wasn't. He basically raised me. And he never got the chance to meet Chris or my kids since he lived so far away.

"The funeral will be next week Thursday in Milwaukee of course." she said and I nodded like she could see me.

"I love you." she said before she hung up.

"You too." I mumbled and put my phone down.

I looked to my left and Chris looked at me worried expression.

"I'll be fine." I said and laid on my side.

Chris pulled me too his chest and I tried to push him away but it wasn't working.

"Just leave me alone." I said through tears.

"Just let me help you." he argued.



Yayyy they're back but how's Chris gonna help her if she doesn't want it?


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