"I do as the King thinks best. I am a ward of his court, and have no say in the matter. He has shown me kindness and loyalty. The least I can do is show my allegiance to him and trust in his word." Cecily remained stone faced.

"Richard, fetch your brother. Tell him he must make an appearance."

"Yes, Lady Mother." Richard lightly squeezed Katy's hand after bowing to his mother. The large door closed behind him, leaving her and Katy alone.

"What game do you play? Why do you harass my family?"

"I swear to our Lord, I have not and would never play a game with your family. I simply came to beg for my father's pardon. I expected to return to Ireland, but your son, our King, showed mercy on my family."

"I don't believe you. My children are the most powerful men in the country, and I believe you wanted a marriage."

"Mam' I am terribly sorry you believe that. I wish there was a way to prove to you..."

"Don't marry my son. Go back to Ireland." Katy swallowed dryly and said nothing. "I am sure we can think of a way so you can go back with your reputation in tact."

"I love him," Katy meekly whispered, knowing how foolish she sounded. Duchess Cecily laughed and stood up. She walked over to Katy.

"You poor girl. Didn't your mother teach you? Marriage is used for power, not love. And you have nothing to offer us. We don't even know if you can have many sons." Katy stood shocked and speechless. "I can offer you passage back home, on the condition you never return. I can inform the king of..." The large door swung open and Edward rushed in, followed by Elizabeth. Katy spotted Anne Lovell and Francis not far behind them.

"Mother! We spoke about this. Richard will marry Lady Kathryn. Just because you do not wish it, does not make it a good match. I have received word her sister is marry Wexford's son, she is related to the Desmonds, and her brother is extremely popular with the Irish lords. Think of the support that give us."

"Edward, you-" Edward held his hand up and silenced his mother. George and Richard entered into the quiet room. Anne, Isabel, and their mother stood quietly in the corner. Lord Warwick stood not far from them.

"Edward, marriage to your brothers should be used-" Lord Warwick began.

"My decision is final. You will come to love Lady Fitzgerald, as we all have." Duchess Cecily stood up and left abruptly, George and Warwick following behind her. Edward lightly touched the back of his neck, "We should feast!" He laughed trying to change the demeanor in the room.

Katy slid out of the hall, hoping no one would notice her. She sprinted down the corridor, making her way to the stables. Her heart had not stopped racing, and she needed time alone. Horrible thoughts filled her head. She would never fully be accepted into this family. Partially because this ruling family could barely function on its own. Katy was sensitive to the world around her, and she tried desperately to control her emotions. Richard saw right through her, he had come to know and understand her. But his family never would. Katy slowed herself through the stable. The smell of hay filled the air and Katy quickly opened Morgan's stall. For the first time in forever, she was alone. The pages and stable boy were all helping care for the King. Morgan danced with excitement while Gawain huffed.

"Let's get out of here," Katy whispered, stroking her nose. Katy placed a blanket on her back and slowly mounted her. They walked together, out of the stable and into the cold day. Morgan couldn't help but whinny and toss her head back. Katy stroked her neck softly, wanting to ride and let her fears vanish. Richard appeared suddenly and grabbed Morgan's bridle. Morgan walking in circles around him, "Let me go," Katy asserted.

"We both know I cannot do that."

"Then come with me," she asserted again, still circling him.

"You cannot keep running, Katy"

"I am not running. I am dealing with my frustration."

"Do not give her the satisfaction. I will support you. Edward supports you. You must prove yourself to be unbreakable."

"I am not Isabel. I am not stone cold! Unfortunately, my heart is on my sleeve." Richard laughed and looked at the ground. "Do you find this humorous? Because I do not!" Katy taunted, stopping Morgan.

"You would not have made a good choice for George. You're too stubborn for him. My mother does not like that George or Lord Warwick have been spurned. Prove yourself to her, as you have to myself, that you are worthy to be here." Katy sighed and looked down at Richard. "We are to feast and celebrate, and you are the hostess. Nothing will happen without your presence." Richard led Morgan back to her stable, and helped Katy dismount. He walked with her in silence back to the main hall. Katy tensed up outside the door, Richard watched her breathing increase. He took her hand and smiled, kissing it softly. Soft music play inside, which grew louder as the door opened. Richard allowed for Katy to walk ahead him. Edward and Elizabeth sat at the highest table with their children. Katy sighed with relief, noticing George, Lord Warwick, and Duchess Cecily were no where to be seen. Thomas spoke with the Queen's parent's, Jacquetta and Richard Woodville, whom he had come to know well. He winked at his sister, smiling and continuing the conversation. Lizzie abruptly stood up and ran to Katy, twisting her small body back and forth. Her smiled lit up the room and her eyes shone in the candlelight. Lizzy said nothing, but embraced Katy. The room filled with awe to the relationship the princess had developed with Katy. Katy lowered herself to eye level with the young girl. Richard stood slightly behind them, his face beaming. Everyone stood in silence waiting to hear what Lizzie had to say.

"Lady Kathryn, I am excited you will be my aunt. I will ensure you are always in the King's good graces," She whispered into Katy's ear. A tear traveled down her cheek and Katy shifted slightly.

"My small princess, it is an honor to join your family. I am also humbled that I will be able to see you grown into a woman, as the years pass." Katy spoke softly, but loud enough so all could hear her words. Katy leaned in and whispered one last sentence, "I will always protect you. Once you are older you will understand more, but you need only say my name and you will the support of me and those who love me, forever."

Pulled by Roses- A War of the Roses StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora