Soul Mates

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It turns out we've been lying to ourselves. The necklaces are fake, they don't lead us to our soul mates; they lead us to one of the kids who were born at the same time as us. No one believes me when I say this, many have found their soul mates. My friends have, and they're happy. My necklace is whole. I have no other half. Maybe that's the reason I don't believe in the necklaces, I don't want to.

I look over the edge, down into the rushing waves. The white foam smashes against the side of the cliff. I smile as the wind pushes my hair back, out of my face. A tear drips down, escaping my eye. I look out farther, admiring the beauty of the sun set, and the islands out on the edge of sight. I close my eyes as a shiver runs down my spine. I step off the edge, to scared to make a sound. Goodbye doubts, goodbye life.


I'm grabbed from behind, my descent stopped almost immediately as it started. My back hits the side of the cliff, and I'm dragged back up. I look up at the one who rescued me. He is a boy my age, hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair. He is lean, muscular, and a little shorter than 5'10". He looks at me, worry in his eyes. "Are you okay?"

"I was going to be, but then you grabbed me," I mutter. "Why are you here?"

"I was going to do the same thing you were, but I couldn't stand to see a beautiful girl like you take her own life. It just didn't seem right."

"Well it was. Besides, there is nothing left for me here."

He looks at me, pain coursing through his eyes. "I-I like your necklace," he says, obviously trying to change the subject.

I look down at the rock hanging off of my neck. I lift it up over my head, and hand it to him. "You can have it." He takes it in his hand, and I walk over to the edge of the cliff. This time I just sit on the edge, letting my legs dangle over the side.

"What?" The boy says, confused.

"What?" I ask, looking back at him. "Are you surprised because my rock is whole?" I ask, my jaw clenched in annoyance.

"No, but because mine fits it."

"What? But, that's impossible! Mine's whole."

"No, it's not. Your rock is smooth on one side, almost as if it had been sliced in half. Mine is as well, ours just complete each others and make the full circle."

"But, everyone's rock is smooth on one side, it's just how they are," I explain, trying to make sense of this.

"That's because everyone has two soul mates. We just have one."

"Each other," I say, still confused, but calmed. I stand up, turning to face the boy. I smile at him, knowing that he is mine and I am his, and we have no one else. Only each other.

Crack! The cliff breaks, and I fall into the water, smiling as I die from the impact. I finally found my soul mate. If only I could have met him.

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