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~So I was given the writing prompt "water" for a writing contest. I never entered, but I did write a small story. I hope you like it!~

I turn my head to listen to the river flowing by on its never ending run. I smile as I hear the croaking of the frogs behind me, the jumping of the fish. I look in front of me. I see the stage they have built, my death bed. I pull against my bindings one last time to see if the rope will give, but it stays, strong as ever. My captor pushes me forward, making me stumble over my feet. Why had I let them catch me? If I had simply gotten up earlier, I would have been fine! No. I deserved this, I killed his majesty’s daughter. A small voice in my head yells, shrieks, saying it wasn’t my fault. The horse would have gone crazy and trampled the princess on anyone’s watch. But it was my watch. I should have been more careful.

They shove me down onto the wooden platform and position my head on the blood stained block. A man dressed in black walks over to me, ax in hand. He glances down at my pitiful pose, disgust evident on his face. He looks to the guards for the go ahead, which is instantly given. He raises the ax, it gleams in the dappled sunlight that fights through the leaves. I close my eyes, awaiting the sudden sting, sudden pressure before I disappear from this Earth. It doesn’t come. I will my eyes open to find I’ve been saved.

The two guards are lying on the stage, arrows protruding from their chests. A pool of scarlet blood has begun to flow, creeping towards me, threatening to stain me as another murderer. The executioner has a small blade against his throat, held from behind by a small woman.

“Let him go now, or more blood will be shed,” she says calmly.

The man bursts out of her grip, bringing the axe up to swing at her. “Never!” he roars. He swings the murder weapon down with all his force, and the woman stands still. She swings her arm up to meet the blade before it comes in contact with her head. The axe falls. It lands with a crushing blow to her arm, but stops, leaving no damage on her skin. The action sends a ripple through its handle, jarring the man’s arms. “How did you do that?!” he yelps in pain.

“There are many details about this world that have been kept away from you. I suggest you don’t dig deeper.” She swings her arm towards me, instantly freeing me from my bounds. I slowly stand up, cautious of the creature standing before me. “You have nothing to fear Christopher. I was sent to fetch you. No harm will be done unto you.”

“Who are you?” I ask, my voice quivering with fear.

“I am nothing more than a servant. I come to tell you that her highness wishes to speak to you. If you decline this gracious offer, you will be left to this seething barbarian.” She throws her dagger into the stage, in-between the executioner’s feet to make sure I understand. “Your choice.”

I look to the river for guidance, trying to figure out what to do. Its swirls and currents usually give me an answer, but this time I’m left alone. It seems that this question could change my fate, perhaps by revealing my abilities. I look to the woman, and then to the executioner. Take a chance and meet this divine queen, or be left to the punishment I so rightly deserve. I finally understand what I must do. I raise my eyes to look at the woman, and tell her my answer.

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