Ch 1 Meeting Team Rwby

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Weiss: Why would it be frozen?

Ozpin: I'm unsure for what exact reasons but Y/N was the man for innovative solutions that may seem baffling.

Team RWBY then left with their mission told. It was an odd one with a sad ending but they were willing to do it, and they were curious of it. Upon getting there they were stopped.

Officer: Stop. State your business.

Ruby: Ozpin send us.

Officer: It was an odd request but given the circumstances we had to oblige. No has done anything. You may do what you see fit as per his request.

The officer went leaving Team RWBY to enter the area and go closer to the bullhead.

Blake: What could it mean when mentioning that they had a solution? This does not seem much of one besides preserving.

Ruby: Doesn't this look strange and all. It reminds me of a ice cube.

Yang: Yeah. This does reminds me of Weiss semblance.

Weiss: That is preposterous. My semblance is hereditary. There isn't any semblance that can match mine. Much less a semblance that can utilize it to my extent.

Blake: Right. Ozpin was vague about it and did not even say anything about semblances.

Ruby: Well there is one thing left for Team RWBY left to do.

Yang: I am way ahead of you.

Yang proceeded to punch the bullhead which form a crack in the ice. Weiss was shocked.

Weiss: What on Remnant do you think you are doing?!

Yang: Exactly what it looks like. We have to recover the bodies.

Blake: As much as is it is crude it is the most effective as we can't do much.

Yang proceeded to punch the ice once more. Though the second time it woke you up.

Y/N: (thoughts) Huh. The plan actually may have worked. Though what is that sound?

Yang punches the bullhead once more while using her gauntlets for add firepower.

Y/N: (thoughts) Oh no! Did we hit a ship?!

You proceeded to unfreeze the ice around the bullhead. From the outside the four girls were really shocked seeing the ice melt suddenly.

Ruby: (shocked) Yang! What did you do?!

Yang: That wasn't me. I only punched it.

Blake: Well we can't stand here. We need to check inside.

They all went and tried to open the bullhead's doors but it was stuck. Ruby then went to try and slash the door open.

Y/N: Watch where you happen to slash your weapon.

Blake: Was it just me or did the rest of you hear the noise coming from inside?

Weiss: You have the best hearing out of all of us. We are suppose to be asking you that.

Ruby: The bullhead must be haunted.

Y/N: Well it isn't and do you any so happen to have electric dust by any chance?

You then blast open the door with ice shards. Going out you looked at the four girls.

Y/N: Ello there. Wooh. That blast really took out of me. Must be the whole being frozen for who knows how long.

RWBY (Ruby x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant