"It's fine," Cyrus said. "But if it's my magic you want, I'm limiting you to one spell."

"Fine." Amara straightened. "Right. Well. Like I said. I'm busy. Death in the family myself. My cousin, if you can believe it. What a coinkydink. His name was Remiel. The guy you're looking for. I can't really put the time in to do the rest of your research for you, but if you're ballsy enough to go talk to Baylor, little short angel with a temper? He'll- mmm. He'll probably know more about Remiel."

"That's it?" Sorin demanded. "That's all you can give me?"

"For one spell? Sure. You can't figure out what to do after that, come back and we'll renegotiate. Until then, I have a dead body to deal with. Gotta pick which urn we're using and all that. Have a great day."

She shut the door in their faces.


It was a quarter past four in the damned morning when Cameron was hauling a half limp Nik through the front door. Parts of Nik's face were covered in bruises, his lip split and his entire body reeked of alcohol. He ignored Nik's slurred mumbling and dragged him to the bedroom where he peeled Nik's clothes off him and ordered him into bed.

Nik grabbed Cameron's hand before he even made it a step to pick up the clothes from his clean floor. "Don't leave me too," he said, face half in his pillow. "Please."

Cameron sighed through his nose. "Will you finally get some sleep?"

"Will you?"

"I guess," Cameron said, knowing damn well he wasn't going to get nearly enough sleep as he should. "You need to let go of my hand first, though."

Nik made a pleased, drunken purr and let him go, pressing his face deep into his pillow, because of course he did. Cameron cleaned up the clothes from the floor and threw them in a garbage can before coming back to crawl into the bed, despite the stiffness still lingering in his back. Nik already was moving though, halfway just crawling on Cameron.

"Tis cold," Nik muttered into Cameron's chest, before instantly just passing out.

Cameron did feel that shiver jolting through his shoulder. He tried ignoring it and just awkwardly pulled blankets around this stupid omega before he got himself sick. It was a while before he let sleep pull himself under, and it was as restless as it usually was, just because he was too worried about biting Nik in his sleep since Nik decided to not move from Cameron's chest the whole night.

It was well past his usual wake up time when his phone buzzed from the nightstand. He let it ring several times before electing to get out of bed, despite Nik's instant loud whine. He answered, "What do you want?"

"Sorry it took a couple of days, but, I got everything taken care of. Do you want the ashes?"

"Sober for once?" he asked, too tired to even attempt to be any form of politeness, even about this. "Why would you give me the ashes," he said, "isn't your family weird about your bloodlines."

"Because he loved you, and you made him happy. Besides," she said, "You're his alpha."

"Again," Cameron said, ignoring that entire sentence. "His bar is so extremely low. I'm sure his family would prefer to have his ashes over me."

"I talked to Raziel about it and his parents are fucking dead," Amara said. "She agrees with me."

He let silence drag out while he thought over her answer. "Fine. Bring them by later." He could put them near the others. He hung up before she could even answer him and looked over at Nik who was still passed out in the bed. The bruises were clearing up some, thanks to angel blood, but they were fairly prominent against Nik's golden brown skin. Nik stirred, face curving into the pillows as he pulled the blanket up over his head. "Turn the heat up," he mumbled.

Hell to Pay [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें