Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Morning wasn't fucking welcome. At some point in the night Reneé had taken the bottles off the coffee table and put them away, probably. Amara rolled over with a groan, and rubbed her face. She had- someone had to tell Raziel. If Amara hadn't already done so while drunk as fuck last night.

"Water?" Cin offered helpfully.

Amara grumbled, burrowing deeper into her shitty couch. Maybe if she went back to sleep, she could wake up and Lev wouldn't be fucking dead.

That hadn't worked when her parents were killed, though, so she shoved herself into a sitting position and flopped a hand around until Cin put the cup in her hand. She drank half of it, and set it down on the coffee table, rubbing her temples. "What time did I crash?"

"Late," Cin replied dryly, petting her hair before padding off to the kitchen.

Amara only stumbled to her feet when she heard someone knocking on the door. "I got it, Ren," she muttered, rubbing her face again before yanking open the door.

She was greeted by the sight of two tall men. The taller of the two reeked of magic, but his brown face was kind. A good witch, then, because she barely felt any sort of wariness about him. No, her attention was drawn to the shorter of the two, a sullen looking strawberry blonde with freckles splashed across his tanned skin. Considering that one was a demon, she was surprised sullen was the worst she was facing.

"Can I help you?" She asked, lifting her chin.

"Are you Amara Claire?" The witch asked.

"Who's asking?" She shot back.

"I'm Cyrus," the witch offered. "This is my mate, Sorin."

Interesting. Witches didn't always take mates. She eyed them both once more, before leaning against the doorway. "I'm kind of busy. Death in the family. What do you want?" Fuck, if she hadn't managed to give herself a hangover this time.

"I'm sorry," Cyrus said, grimacing. "We'll be quick." He nudged Sorin, the many rings on his fingers glinting in the midmorning sunlight.

"An angel killed my cousin," Sorin said gruffly. "Several years ago. I want to know who."

And they wanted her to do the work for them. "Your cousin," Amara repeated slowly. She could make this work for her. "And how do you know it was an angel? Demons aren't exactly a friendly bunch."

"No, we aren't," Sorin said, flashing a mirthless smile with just enough fang she recognized the veiled threat for what it was. Fucking demon posturing. "I did what I could, and it definitely wasn't a demon. Angels aren't exactly friendly with demons, normally anyway, and I know Fax used to date one. An angel, that is. Doesn't take a leap to get to the conclusion an angel did it."

"Fax," Amara echoed, mulling over things. "That short for anything?" As if she didn't know already.

"Fairfax," Sorin clarified.

"And you expect me to just help you for nothing?"

Sorin bristled, a low sound building in his chest, but Cyrus dropped a hand on Sorin's arm. "What are your prices? We're willing to pay whatever."

Amara considered the witch, letting the taste of his magic coat her tongue. "I'm sure I could think of something."

"You're dealing with me," Sorin snapped. "Leave Cy out of our deals."

"Sorin," Cyrus chastised as Amara gave a low laugh.

"For an omega, you sure are territorial," Amara said sweetly, just to see the anger flicker in those piercing blue eyes.

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