The Fairy Takes Flight

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A/N: Ladies and Gentlemen, Hanako is finally gonna duel! Now I gotta be really careful on how I write duels in Duelist Kingdom, since the rules have not been set yet and shenanigans are plentiful in this season.

Either way, I hope you all enjoy the chapter, plus, a certain someone is getting a special cameo!


With Weevil out of the way, Yugi and the gang started to wander around, checking out the sights while also looking for new duelists to challenge. The gang soon came across and open flower meadow next to the forest, which had its own Duel Arena, and it seems that they weren't alone.

"Hey Hanako!" Yugi called out, noticing a familiar magenta haired girl sitting on a tree branch.

The green eyed girl noticed the gang and jumped down from her tree branch.

"Hello Yugi, Joey. How have you guys been?" she greeted the two duelists, then noticed the other two people. "Oh, I don't believe we have formally met each other. My name is Hanako Yoseina, nice to meet you."

The female brunette replied, "My name's Tea, nice to meet you too."

Then the male brunet replied, "The name's Tristan."

Hanako nodded in acknowledgement, "So what brings you all to this corner on the island?"

"Well we were looking for new opponents as well as getting to know the sights." answered Yugi. "What about you?"

"I've been thinking about what type of field my monsters would work well in, and after seeing your duel with Weevil, I decided that the flower meadow is the best bet, but it didn't work out, so my monsters are unable to have a Field Power Bonus." explained Hanako.

She wanted to explain more, but then she noticed something. A shadowy figure appeared behind Yugi, it seemed taller, and reminded her of the Yugi look-alike that dueled Weevil. Just as she was about to ask the tri-colored haired boy about it, a separate voice interrupted her.

"Well well well, if it isn't the little fairy."

Turning around, the gang noticed a teen of the same age standing in underneath a tree, arms crossed and a big smirk on his face. He had dark blonde hair and grey eyes, and wore a school uniform similar to Yugi's, only it was colored black.

"I didn't think I would see you here, Alexei." retorted Hanako. "I haven't seen you since the tournament in Domino Harbor, but since you're here on the island, I'd assume that you partook in multiple tournaments."

"That's right, and I plan to beat you here and now!" said Alexei. "This is payback for that defeat at Domino Harbor!"

Hanako nodded, "Then let's have our duel here then."

"See you up there."

Yugi and the gang turned to the green eyed girl as the dark blonde boy entered the red duel stand.

"You know that guy, Hanako?" asked Joey, pointing towards the cocky male.

"He was an opponent I met at the Domino Harbor Duel Tournament a few months back." explained Hanako, stepping on the blue duel stand. "Seems he held a grudge after I defeated him in the Finals."

"We'll be cheering you on then!" Yugi said, giving the girl a thumbs up.

Hanako gave the boy a peace sign as the stand elevated up to the top.

"Ready for this Alexei?" she asked. "I'm betting my two Star Chips!"

"You bet!" he replied. "And I shall do the same, that way, once I'm through with you, I'll get you kicked off the island!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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