"Jamie. What's yours?" I asked back, and he smiled a smile that would charm any girl. Well you know, except me.

"Ashton." He said, and I nodded. Sam and Jenny started to converse with the other boys, but Ashton seemed to be interested in me. It's actually refreshing that I still got it.

We moved up in the line, close to the entrance. Ashton turned to me,

"So, are you single?" He asked, and I gave him a small smile and shook my head no,

"Nope." I would've added that Im married, but you just don't go around telling strangers that you're married. You do? Oh, oops.

"Aw. Lucky bastard." He said and I laughed. We finally reached the entrance and we all walked in. The music instantly hit me, and I suddenly got worried. Can I be in a place like this pregnant? I mean the music wasn't that loud, but just in case. I turned to Sam,

"Do you think I can be in a place like this? You know, pregnant?" I asked, and then her expression matched mine. Worried. She scratched the back of her head,

"This means so much to Jenny." She said pointing at Jenny who already had a drink in her hand, dancing around. Woah that was fast. How does she have a drink anyway, were only nineteen.

"Yeah, but maybe we could go to those small bars where bands play, you know?" I asked, and Sam nodded. She sighed and looked over at Jenny one last time. She then turned to me,

"Okay, I'll go tell Jenny. You get in the car." I nodded but then I grabbed her arm before she could leave,

"I'll meet you guys at the car." I said, and she raised an eyebrow,

"Why?" She asked, and I blushed,

"I have to pee."

"Im really sorry." I murmured to Jenny again, and she glared at me,

"Jamie I swear if you say sorry one more time, Im going to slap you. I said it's okay, and it is. You're preggers and you were just looking out for Jenny Jr." She said and I raised an eyebrow,

"Does everyone want me to name the baby after them?" I asked. Chris wants the baby to be named Chris Jr., Sam wants the baby to be named Sam Jr. And now Jenny. If it's a girl, her names going to be Teagon. And if it's a boy, his name is going to be Chris Jr.

"Yes." Jenny and Sam said at the same time. We were in Sam's car, driving to a small bar. I was sitting in the back seat looking out the window at the moon. It was shining down on me.

My phone buzzed and I raised an eyebrow pulling it out. I pressed talk and pressed the phone to my ear, "Hello?" I asked.

"Jamie, I know what you're doing." I rolled my eyes, as my dads voice came out. Is he serious? And that's just creepy.

"And what am I doing, dad?" I asked, and I heard a scoff,

"I know you're out clubbing with your friends." I raised an eyebrow, did he call Chris?

"Okay, I am out clubbing-"

"And that's why Im here to remind you to NOT drink. Just don't do it. I know for a fact that it affects the baby. And you can't drink, you're not even twenty-one," That never stops Jenny. I wanted to say.

"Dad I already know not to drink." I said, and I could feel my dad smiling,

"Good. At least I taught you something. Anyway I called to remind you of that business meeting that's tomorrow. I want you to be up and ready so you can experience what it feels like to be in a business." I frowned and rolled my eyes,

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