Chapter 3

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"What have I ever taught you when you were younger?" Dad said, with a serious expression. I sighed, and looked at the ground. Mom was upstairs in the bedroom with Maria. Apparently, she was giving us alone time. The moment dad woke up, mom blurted the news out. At first his expression was shock and then he went all over-protective dad on me. Wasn't it his side of the family, that basically forced me into a marriage....even though I do love Chris, so I thank him for that, but it's not my fault.

I frowned at dad, "I don't know...." I mumbled and he frowned, "Obviously. But seriously, I know you do. Tell me. What have I always taught you when you were younger." He said, looking me in the eye. I sighed, and played with the hems in my shirt,

"When ever you have sex.....always use a condom." I mumbled the last part, and dad frowned, "Yes. Always use a condom. Now, why didn't you?" He asked, and I frowned, "Dad....can we not have this conversation. Let's talk about, how you and mom need a vacation." I said, trying to change the subject. He gave me a flat look,

"Jamie," he said in an exhausted tone, "Look, Im not going to rant on and on about responsibilities....and condoms. But, I just don't think you're ready." He said, and I looked down, "Dad....I don't know if Im ready or not. But, I know for a fact that I have people by my side to help me. And, I have an awesome husband who will be my side the whole time," I sighed, as I thought of Chris. I hope the baby has his eyes, "Mom said that she accepts it. Now, I need to know if you do too." I said, in a serious tone.

Dad smiled slightly at me, "At least you're not sixteen, and on that show...what's it called?" Dad said, thinking, and I smiled at him, "Uh.....sixteen and pregnant." I said, and dad nodded, "Yeah. I accept it. Now, I will like to have a long conversation with Chris about responsibilitie, condoms, and that when the wife has the baby, there's usually no time for sex-"

"Oh god dad! Too much information!" I shouted, covering my ears. He smirked at me, "Well, just wanted to let you know what the conversations going to be about." I gave dad a look of horror, "I don't think that's necessary." At that exact moment mom walked down, "Maria's asleep...finally." She sounded exhausted, and she collapsed on the sofa.

She closed her eyes, "So, what were you guys talking about?" She asked, and me and dad shared a quick look,

"Uhhh...Jamie here, was just telling me about how she thinks we should have a vacation." I was so relieved he didn't bring up the awkward condom and sex conversation. Those conversations should be kept with the significant other. Not a daughter, who just found out she's pregnant. And, I pretty sure it's too late for a condom conversation in the first place.

Mom sat up so fast, Im surprised she didn't get whiplash. She snapped her head towards dad, and a smile bloomed on her face. All of the dullness I saw earlier just disappeared.

"Vacation?! What vacation?! Is it the Bahamas, because I kind of want to go to Paris." She said, and there was a knock on the door. I stood up, "While you guys...yeah, Im just gonna get that." I said, walking towards the front door. I wonder who that is, because mom and dad really haven't had much friends lately...well, other than Fiona, Andy, and Adam. Mom and Pamela, will never get alone....never.

I opened the door to see Chris. My heart fluttered like it does, every time I see him. He smiled at me, "Hey babe, I was just coming over because it has been," He looked at his watch, "An hour since you left. And, I just wanted to check if everything was okay, and if any dishes were thrown." I laughed, and hugged him. Feeling the same warmth and safe feeling I get when I hug him.

I sighed into the embrace, "I missed you." I said, and he chuckled making my heart do flips, "Like I's been an hour." I looked up at him and smiled, "Well you had to miss me too, otherwise you wouldn't be here...when it's only been an hour." I said and he nodded, "Well....I was worried." He said, looking everywhere else but at me.

"Right. And, my uncle is Barney." I said, and he gasped, "Seriously?! What if the baby gets purple dinosaur feet?!" He said, and I laughed. I pulled back, and walked back to my parents, with Chris behind me.

He smiled politely to my parents, "Hey Mr. And Mrs. Emerson." He said, and they just stared at him. Wow, talk about awkward. After getting out of that mini-trance mom smiled back, "Hi Chris. So, we heard about the wonderful, you're not planning to leave Jamie high and dry are you?" She asked, and I gasped,

"Mom. What are you doing? You said that you accepted it...Why are you asking Chris a question like that." I asked, and she sighed, "I do. I just want to be extra-cautious." Chris cleared his throat,

"Don't worry. The moment I said my wedding vowels, I wanted nothing more than to be with Jamie. So, no I will not leave her high and dry. And, I knew that once we got married, that we would have children..." He trailed off and Dad frowned,

"But, it shouldn't have been this soon." I glared at my parents, "What are you guys doing? One moment you say that you accept it. Then the next, you're basically attacking Chris?" I said, my voice filled with venom, "Unbelieveable!" I exclaimed.

"Sweetie, were just asking questions." Mom said, and I gave her a flat look, "Asking questions? No. Asking questions is What are you doing for the baby shower? Or, Why are you wearing that shirt? You guys aren't asking questions, you're basically putting everything on Chris. Hate to break it to ya guys, but it takes two to tango." I said, and Dad sighed,

"Were just looking out for you-"

"Well you don't have to. Im an adult now. Im old enough to look out for myself." I said, and Chris's hand found mine, he gave me a reassuring smile.

Mom sighed, "Im...were sorry that were overreacting. It's just that you were our baby. And, it feels like just yesterday when we taught you how to ride your bike. We don't mean to be those overreacting, and overprotective parents....but, when you find out your first born is just makes you crazy." Mom started to get teary and dad hugged her. I awkwardly stood there, with my hand still placed inside Chris's.

"You're forgiven." I said, and mom smiled at me. Wow, and to think this all started with a conversation about condoms.

______________________________READ ME IM BEAUTIFUL______________________

So, this is a iffy chapter...And, it was way too serious for me. But, whateve. It's been a while, totally not my fault. Don't forget to commit what you think! I just really wanted Chris in this chapter.

Something happened today. 14 years has been wasted...because, I now have...(drumroll please) CHICKENPOX's. Well, I think I do....because, thats what my mom said. Anywho, at least they're not itchy...yet.

Anyway, new question of the week: What's your favorite thing to do? Me, I like to go to the skate station, eat lots and lots of junk food, even though it goes nowhere....oh, and I like to run, and swim.





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