Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Jamie." Someone murmured but I just turned over in bed, ignoring the voice. They tried again, except this time the person started to poke me. I groaned and pulled my cover over my head. Maybe if I stay really still, then the person will go away.

Suddenly my comforter was swiped away from me. I glared at Chris, who just smiled at me. Who's happy this early in the morning? I tried to grab the cover but Chris held it out of my reach,

"Get up lazy, we have to get ready for our first day in the business." Chris said grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I sighed and wrapped my arms around Chris's neck, laying my head on Chris's chest. Chris wrapped his arms around my waist, laying his head in the crook of my neck,

"What time Is it?" I asked in a sleepy voice. Chris started rubbing circles on my back causing shivers to run up my spine.

"Six in the morning-"

"What?!" I pulled back from Chris, and basically yelled in his ear. He frowned at me as he rubbed his ear, "Damn babe, chill. You know how things are in the business world. You work early, you drink coffee, and you have depressing thoughts twenty-four seven." I rolled my eyes, and started to walk towards my closet.

"Yeah? Well I think Im going to be great in the business world, since Im having some pretty depressing thoughts as we speak." I pulled out a pink skimpy dress mom bought me from my closet, and shuddered. I quickly threw it somewhere and grabbed this black knee-length skirt.

Chris walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, while resting his head on my shoulder.

"Awww. Is my little Jamie going to quit already? I thought you were better than that. That's one of the reasons why I married you. You're strong. So, you should prove to me that you are. So no complaining. Grab some clothes and lets take a shower together-"

"Wow. You did not" I said shaking my head at Chris. He gave me a sheepish smile,

"What? I mean taking a shower together can save our....water bill?" It came out as a question. I shook my head at Chris,

"I still can't get over the fact that you gave me that beautiful speech, and then suggested taking a shower together? You're such a guy." I said, and Chris nodded at me,

"Damn right I am." He said patting his 'area'. I wrinkled my nose at him, and turned back to the closet. Now I just have to find a shirt. Wouldn't be that hard, black goes with everything.

I pulled out a gray-striped button-down shirt. I sighed and quickly put away the skirt and shirt. No, that'll look too typical. Like they'll expect someone in a suit to show up. I frowned at my closet. I needed to be spontaneous!

I pulled out a navy blue long-sleeve shirt-dress. I smirked, this is definitely spontaneous. I pulled out my black three-inch heels. Okay, now time for a shower. After quickly grabbing a towel, I hopped in the shower. The moment the water touched my skin I relaxed.

The thoughts of being spontaneous floated away from my mind. I just stood in the steamy water. Thoughts of how early it was momentarily forgotten. Until Chris decided to knock on the door,

"What?" I said annoyed he ruined my shower relaxy time. Yeah I said relaxy. That's a word now. Well to me it is.

"Babe, you've been in the shower for thirty minutes now, are you okay?" He asked and I smiled. Same 'ol sweet caring Chris.

"Yeah. Im fine. I'll be out in a sec." I responded as I started to scrub my body. Doesn't that sound weird? Scrub my body? These are my thoughts six in the morning. I eventually turned off the shower, and wrapped my body in a towel. I walked into the bedroom to see Chris sitting on the bed, giving me a creepy smile. Okay?

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