Heartbreak and new love

Start from the beginning

"Partner you need to stop and leave or you'll get hurt more."

Issei ignores Ddriag and continues listening.

"Ara Ara. He just loves you a lot Rias" Akeno said giggling a bit.

"Don't say that Akeno, I'll throw up" Rias said to her queen.

"Onee-sama should I continue pretending to be his friend?" Asia asks the red headed female.

Issei grits his teeth as he feels another crack appearing in his heart.

"Partner stop, I don't want you to get hurt more." Ddraig is losing her mind wanting to protect her secret love from pain.

Issei ignores Ddraig and continues to listen to Rias and his 'friends' belittling him. 

"Yes Asia, we still need the Red Dragon Emperor on our side" Rias said nodding at her bishop.

Asia nods at Rias. "Okay Onee-sama" She said to the red headed girl.

"I can't believe I wanted to have his children. He's really weak and too perverted" Xenovia said with a small frown.

"Where has my nice childhood friend Issei gone? He was replaced by this perverted version of him" Irina said shaking her head from side to side.

Issei gasps as he feels two more cracks appearing in his heart.

"Is that why you have a boyfriend that looks just like him?" Xenovia asks the angel teasingly with a small grin.

Irina blushes deeply at her friend's accusation. "Hmph leave Ken alone. So how is your boyfriend?" She asks the blue headed girl.

Xenovia blushes as she answers Irina. "Kevin is really amazing. He knows how to use a sword and fight with it." She said to her with a small grin.

Issei's eyes widened at what Irina and Xenovia said about having boyfriends. No wonder they ignored and treat me coldly. It makes sense now.

"Partner are you okay?" Ddraig asks him a bit worried.

Issei smiles a bit at his worried partner. "I'm fine. I just found out why they ignored me" He said to Ddraig with a fake smile. He continues eavesdropping on his mistress and 'friends'. 

"That's great Xenovia. I'm happy for you" Irina said to her friend with a small smile. She turns her attention to Rias. "What about you? How is Eiji?" She asks her curiously.

Rias gets a dreamy look as she thinks about her loving boyfriend. "He's the perfect boyfriend. He's kind, caring, he's not as perverted as Issei. He knows how to treat a girl" She said to Irina.

"Ara Ara. You got that right Rias. Eiji is dreamy, I can't wait to lose my virginity to him" Akeno said with a wide grin.

Rias laughs loudly at what Akeno just said. "Not if I have anything to say about that. I'm losing mine to him first" She said to the black headed girl.

Issei's breathing becomes heavy and his heart completely shatters after what Rias just said about giving her virginity to Eiji. He's about to collapse, but finds himself being wrapped around by arms making him stiffen. He looks behind himself and finds the cute loli Koneko. "What are you doing here Koneko-chan?" He asks her as he tries his best to be strong in front of her.

Koneko frowns a bit at Issei. "Senpai, I heard everything they said about you." She said to the brown headed boy. 

Issei collapses in Koneko's arms and buries his face in her chest. "Why do they hate me?" he asks in between cries. "Reynare was right about no one loving me. They'll all betray me" He said in between sobs.

Issei fulfilling his dream in a strange way.Where stories live. Discover now