Chapter 14- Valentine's Day

Start from the beginning

I thought that maybe she has forgotten to turn it off

I was walking to the room when I heard her talking

I thought that with whom was she talking when I remembered that she has a bf now!

"Hussain!" I said and smiled

I slowly went in the room and she saw me

She was shocked when she saw me and was about to hang up

I told her not to.

I took the phone and put it on loud speaker

"Awww love u too,u r so sweet " hussain said

"Really,am I sweeter than sugar?" I said trying to control my laughter

He thought that it was aisha

"U r crazy!" Aisha said while laughing

"Yes,u r more than the candy,more than everything," he said

"Awww,u too.... Btw what r the plans for tomorrow?" I asked while looking at Aisha and she was smiling


"Really am I sweet than sugar?" She said

I was laughing a lot(silence laughing)

Hussain was telling me to stop laughing but seriously it was him who should stop laughing first

"Yes u r more than the candy,more than everything" I said

I could not stop laughing hussain covered my mouth

"Awww,u too....btw what r the plans for tomorrow?" She asked

Hussain was blushing

"Hmmm,well,that's a surprise, tomorrow u will know it " I said what came in my mind

"Hey,what have u think about getting married with me?" I said

"Ahhhh,hmmm come at my place with your parents first then we will see!" She replied

"Alright tomorrow I'll come! Be ready" he said


"Hey,what have u think about getting married with me?" He asked

"Ahhh,hmmm come at my place with your parents first then we will see!" I replied

"Alright tomorrow I'll come! Be ready!" He said

We heard someone laughing at the door

We turned back and saw Sarah laughing

She entered and I told her to control

"Ahhh,no no no... No need to come... Btw u know what is the answer to ur question " I said while controlling my laughter

"Ohh really! No I don't know... Plzzz tell me.... I wanna hear it from your mouth babyyyy!" He said pronouncing the word baby longer
I could not controlled my laughter

"Will u marry me?" He asked

"Hmmm,yes!" I said shying(I was acting of shying)

We could not controlled and started laughing!

I was about to tellhim that its aliyah not aisha when at the same moment he told me that its shehry not hussain!!!

I gasped

Aisha Sarah and I looked at each other and Sarah and aisha started laughing


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