Kaiyo thanked the nurse with a bow of her head and she and Sakura left the nurse office.

"Now then," Sakura pointed out. Kaiyo sent her a confused gaze; only to have her get pulled towards the classroom this time.

Appearing in the class, Amaro who had gone to grab his lunch from the cafeteria, greeted the both of them with a question about their whereabouts.

"We went to the nurse office to get Kaiyo's bruise treated," Sakura whispered, not wanting her classmates to hear and get rumors floating around the school again.


Kaiyo looked away, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze. "Ye-Yeah... I fell and hit my arm on the corner of a table."

"Are you sure...?" Amaro hissed under his breath. When he saw the look on her face, he dropped the subject and let out a sigh. Digging into the plastic bag he had on his desk, he threw the item at Kaiyo. Flabbergasted, Kaiyo fumbled to catch the item he had thrown to her. Finally holding the item in both of her hands, she stared at the item.

"An apple?" She inquired.

Amaro shrugged his shoulders. "I figured that you would need that more than me. Vitamin C, you know?"

"I'm surprised that someone like you know that Vitamin C is good for your body." Sakura taunted slyly.

Amaro's face flared slightly pinkish. "Hey! What do you mean by that?!"

"As it is, Gamer-boy!"

"As if!!"

Kaiyo chuckled to herself as she watched the two of them bicker between themselves. The act of caring for her brought forth a sensation of gratefulness and kindness growing in her. She couldn't ask for more.

--Thank you.

Classes soon started and many students dreaded the next few hours of schooling and studies before the bells rang throughout the whole building. Students thanked their teacher with a bow before they started shuffling out of their classes once they had finished packing their materials.

"Are you going home soon, Kai-chan?" Sakura placed her bag on Kaiyo's desk and asked. Said female shook her head. "I have some time to spare. My father is working and won't be able to come home for the next few days. Rimu has to finish his school's project and will be coming home late today, and I'm not on working shift for the next few days."

Hearing about this, a bright wide smile spread across Sakura's lips. "That's great!" She cheered.

Raising a brow, Kaiyo asked, "What are you so happy about?"

"There's a new pastry café that had opened just a few streets away from school. I had wanted to try it the moment it opened last week, but I wanted to go with you. But you didn't look the usual you, so I pushed the visit to this week."

Amaro popped up from the side, giving the two females his signature smirk. "What is this about?" He asked joyfully.

"There's a new pastry café that had opened a few streets down from school. I'm planning to go with Kai-chan. Do you want to come along??"


"Yes!" Sakura beamed out happily. They could see her comically drooling as she imagined the cakes and food in her mind when she walked past them this morning. "They looked so nice! I wanted to eat that strawberry shortcake! Oh oh maybe the matcha cheesecake I saw! Or maybe the coffee chocolate truffles!"

"Those will get you fat, Sakura." Amaro snickered.

Sakura smacked him on the head, causing the male to lash back with a 'hey, that hurt.'

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