Liruliniel looked at him plainly, "You have a lot of faith in some here, sire." She smirked, fidgeting a little to fully tuck her legs underneath herself as she turned in her sitting position. His arm moved from around her, his hand coming to rest over the one which sat upon his, her other hand still curled in his grasp. Liruliniel leaned her shoulder against the wall and smiled simply, Thranduil seemed to be thinking over her words with a small frown before looking away when her knowing look got too much.

"Fine. Some I could call into question." He relented, earning a quiet laugh from her. He would like to say that all here were sensible, but who was he kidding? The elf next to him wasn't, as much as he cared for her, Thranduil couldn't deny she sometimes didn't always think before acting. But there were others, especially those who didn't know their limits when it came to wine and evidently drunk too much which then led to them calling out in the night, sounding like a wounded animal.

Liruliniel's head soon rested against the wall too as she sat and looked at his profile. She inhaled slowly, she had always believed he was the brightest thing to ever see, distinctly she remembered how he shined when they were relocating to here. It was still the same now, Thranduil had evidently chose what to wear wisely. The silver of his tunic shimmered in the moon and starlight, each time he moved the light hit it in another way. The black embroided patterns broke up the silver, but that didn't mean that what he was wearing, and how he looked to be any less dazzling.

Liruliniel's eyes widened slightly when his eyes suddenly slid sidelong, his face slowly turned and a smirk was appearing on his face. He looked so self assured, smug even as he caught her looking at him that Liruliniel's only response was to sheepishly smile. "Are you bored of looking at the stars?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at her curiously, it wouldn't be the first time he'd caught her out and he doubted it would be the last.

"You are a creature of light too, can I not look at you?" Liruliniel replied back, watching as he slowly started to smile instead, his smug smirk was gone and he looked genuinely a bit humbled but taken back by her words. They were all from the stars, despite what he said about her, he was definitely looking more like one than herself.

"Yes, you can. What do you see?"

Liruliniel laughed and shook her head, "I am not going to sit here and boost your ego." Liruliniel watched as his face went a bit distant, she would say he looked like he was sulking. Thranduil sulk? As if, she rolled her eyes and stood slowly to move around the balcony. She clasped her hands behind her back and looked up at the sky with a heavy sigh.

It was a sound which he had heard. He listened, and he didn't like it. Standing silently, Thranduil followed after her. "Something is bothering you." It couldn't be more obvious unless she stood there and shouted it out for the whole world to hear. Thranduil stopped by her side and placed his hands on the rail, Liruliniel just glanced up at him, even her expression was causing him to worry a little too. She looked uneasy, uncertainty was something that he had soon discovered he did not like when it came to her. She had a habit, when these moments arose, to often come out with displeasing words.

Liruliniel sighed again, she hung her head and he just watched her silently, and patiently. Her fiery hair had come down to curtain her face, Thranduil reached up and moved it away. He hadn't actually realised how long her hair was, as ridiculous as that may seem. She always had it braided and then braided again, her hair was just a mass of them. They suited her, and it was one thing which made her obviously stand out from them all. The hip length auburn strands were soft under his hand as he stroked it through, once securing wayward pieces away from her face so he could see her.

Liruliniel looked up at him, Thranduil's hand now back at the railing and looking at her expectedly. She had had a moment of silence to clearly think about what it was she was about to say. Still didn't mean he was looking forward to it. "Where do we go from here?" She asked, though earlier on when she asked she may have been joking a little, considering the moment that had transpired. It was a running joke, one that seemed to get old fast with him about her still being a guard; she would love nothing more than to do that, she didn't really know how to do anything else, but she couldn't rightly stand here and say she believed others would allow her to. Thranduil was ultimately right, opinions and actions would change. She saw it when he so publicly announced it to everyone, the looks they sent her way, some sceptical while others fearful. The latter being from some who had so rightly been rude to her in the past, thinking she was evidently going to inflict revenge upon them with her new royal right and powers. Which, she stuck to: she had none of either. Fine, she could stick to being on the council, but even then how much or how little would she be listened to, again.

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