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Legion: 18 Flame Dragons/Salamanders

Home World: Nocturne

Home World: Nocturne

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Matriarch: Venus

Caring, happy, calm of mind, forgiving, makes things, reckless. The great beloved brown sugar momma of the astartes legions. Affectionate and patronizing towards her comrades, showering them in praise for jobs well done.

Strongest primarch, probably voluptuous with the stereotypical idealized body of a sugar momma. Obsession with fire becomes metaphorical in additional to physical, the fires of passion and whatnot. The most terrifying matriarch when mad, as well as the hardest to anger.

Enjoys the act of lewd to a high degree but unlike many other primarchs understands that there is a time and a place for debauchery and shenanigans. Still inherits the Empress's physiological trait of being a perpetual, partly owing to her amazing figure. Also inheriting the empress' ability to become a futa, partly to tie in with the salamanders having the greatest lengths of all legions, hence she is the largest primarch.

Urge to set foes on fire with an urge to set the shafts of her foes on fire with her 'passion' and their insides aflame with her 'flamer'. Is the best cook in the imperium, specifically regarding BBQ. Definitely a shipper. Hammer has a vibrational function. Likes cuddles. Is the overall biggest and thiccest primarch.

Still get's adopted by blacksmith dad, but in this version of events  has a model showgirl mother. So she ends up inheriting both dispositions as she grows up and seeks to reconcile them by making gadgets that allow the astartes to be more fashionable in combat as well as deadly efficient.

Legion Information

Great smiths, creating master craft weapons. Loved fire a little too much. Black people IN SPESS!!! Commonly considered the most compassionate of the space marine chapters, handled civilians the best. Venus was the physically strongest Matriarch, hence the Salamanders tended towards being pretty damn strong themselves.

Armour is fashioned in the style of Zulu warriors, covers just about as much. Special destroyer marine squads possessing the most powerful aphrodisiac flamers.

Something of a lewd Space Africa with a dash of fire and extra large helping of giant lizards.

Has the biggest lower assets. Common workout are squats.

The native volcanic salamanders of Nocture are often attracted to humans females and will often breed with them, creating a humanoid reptile with high heat resistance

Aheago'd marines will be killed, or saved

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