Chapter 3: the butterfly leaving the cocoon

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The days have passed and (Y/N)'s wounds slowly healed. Not only was she back on her feet, but she felt a bit more comfortable in her new environment. The hazbin hotel was a safe area for her. No demons after her, no violent outburst. It was really safe.

The young woman got up from her bed, slowly stretching and got dressed. Her hotel room lit with the the light of morning. Another day in hell... But now.. she was looking forward to them. Now she had a true friend.
"Hey (Y/N) you awake yet?" Angel's voice could be heard through her door.
"Oh y-yeah angel. hold on a sec."
Her heart filled with excitement for the new day. He was up and ready to see her. She quickly walked out of her room and smiled.
"Took you long enough. Come on today is the day we go out." Angel dust looked to the young woman with a smirk across his lips. Every morning the two would share a moment of the day to explore bits and pieces of the hotel which surprisingly held a lot of little mysteries and memorabilia but this day, since she's feeling better, she was going to explore outside the hotel.
"jeez you look excited." (Y/N) replied giggling.
"Can you blame me? its good to see you on your feet and kicking. Plus we get to finally leave the hotel for a bit." He smiled, looking like a kid who was just told it was recess.
The woman giggled softly.
But then angel dust stopped his excitement and looked to her attire.
"Why are you hiding your hair in that weird ass hat? you look like you're about to walk through winter." He said looking at the tuque she was wearing.
"I..I cant show my hair outside. Everyone here is nice about it but...out there.. they might not-"

Before she could finish, her hair quickly flowed back to her shoulders revealing the cotton candy like colours. Angel towered over her holding the hat.
"Look sweetheart. I know you are kinda embarrassed of that hair but trust me, those colours look way cuter than you think. Besides, its normal to look weird in hell. I mean when i got here, Ya think nobody noticed the extra arms?" he said showing off his six arms
"y-yeah but-"
"No buts. come on sweet cheeks! time to hit da town!" he said happily picking her up bridal in his arms.
She blushed softly hanging on to him as they went down the stairs together.
"A-Angel you dont have to carry me to bring me up and down the stairs anymore. I think i can do so myself."
"Oh. You wanna try?" he said blushing a bit before placing her down slowly.

The woman hanged on to the handrail, slowly coming down the steps one step at a time.

Angel looked to her smiling softly but also watched her carefully as they finally came downstairs.

Charlie looked to the two smiling. "Hey you two. Glad to see you going down the stairs by yourself. Still though seeing angel holding you in his arms was so cute!"
Angel sighed. "Yeah yeah yeah. Keep your shipping diary to yourself." he said chuckling. "we are heading out of the hotel for a bit."
Charlie smiled. "ok but make sure to come back soon."

Angel nodded and looked to (Y/N) and nodded. "Lets go."

The two arrived to a large park in the middle of the city. The place overrun by trees. It felt quiet that morning as angel and (Y/N) walked side by side. The young woman kept looking down to her feet, feeling her cheeks redden slowly. She kept thinking of those few days when she was healing. He would keep a close eye on her, always keeping her company, keep her entertained and yet something didn't feel right. Like he was hiding something.

"Angel, I...thank you for taking care of me... I...."
"No prob sweet thing."
"..angel i need to ask you... why did you save me?"

Angel stopped and smirked a bit. "why you asking?"
"n-no reason I... I just want to know..."

The woman closed her eyes tightly. She began punishing herself mentally. stupid, why open your big mouth? etc...
He approached her and gently held her chin and she could hear a dark chuckle.
"you are all red little butterfly..."
She slowly opened her eyes meeting his gaze. Before she could say anything more, (Y/N) could feel a hand pull her closer into the fluffy chest of the spider demon. What she thought was a cute moment was actually replaced with a moment of terror as she could hear a gunshot fly pass not too far from her head.

Silence filled the air as the young woman shivered in the spider's arms. (Y/N) soon heard the sound of an unfamiliar voice.

"Let go of the girl know how mad i get when you sneak off and leave my texts unread."

Angel's voice sounded cold as he replied. "'s not the time..."

Cotton candy demon (Angel dust x reader)Where stories live. Discover now