"That I do not doubt, but the Lady still would not have wished for her to come in alone."

Liruliniel yet again looked upwards at Thranduil with a raised eyebrow. Thranduil could only surmise that much like here, outsiders weren't openly welcomed with open arms without speculation. He shifted forwards, although not much because he still was partially lounged back with his legs crossed at the knees. "That is most gracious," which couldn't be said for here because of them waiting outside the gates. "So you are to depart as soon as possible, I take it?" He tilted his head slightly, his eyes not leaving those of the appointed guide down below.

"Yes," was the simple answer with a bowed head. "If that is possible?" He looked to Liruliniel for this question to be answered.

She inhaled shakily, "I will go and prepare to leave." She didn't sound certain, her voice wasn't as confident sounding as it usually was. She turned and looked slowly upwards, Thranduil sat looking at her with a hard look, an uncertain tint in his eyes as he watched her still fretting. "Permission to leave, sire?" She asked quietly, her face looking saddened up at him.

He stopped idly rolling and playing with a ring on his finger, hearing her quiet voice had him desperately wanting to say no. How many more times did they have to part ways? Without sounding like a child, but it wasn't fair. It just wasn't, it pained her so blatantly even a blind man could see; and him, he had to keep his thoughts and outward feelings internal, which was increasingly growing harder. "Go," he sounded a bit defeated, but it could come off as offhanded as he looked at her, he watched her bow before departing to the corridor on the left. His eyes tracked her form before she disappeared completely and he was left alone with the three elves from Lórien.

Liruliniel hurried to her room, in all honesty she had prepared for this, she had packed most things and spent most of her days waiting for the call to go. Didn't think it was going to be today, but here she was quickly changing into her silvery slated coloured tunic and trousers. Hauling her armour up and slipping the pieces and mail in place, she strapped her gauntlets to herself before leaving her room. She sadly looked around, shutting the door and moving to the main living space.

Her sword belt hung up near the doorway, reaching up and grasping onto it, Liruliniel commenced tightening it around herself before slipping one sword into place. Silmacil was too long to hang by her side, it had to rest across her back at a diagonal angle. Sweeping her numerous braided plait out of the way, she slipped her bow in place and a quiver before sliding her knives into position. Grabbing the knapsack of small belongings she was taking with her, she sighed and looked around her home one last time, again.

"I'll come back, quicker this time I promise." She said with a smile up at the ceiling. She didn't know who she was talking to, perhaps the woodland itself? Liruliniel didn't know, though she did know she wasn't likely to have such a grand gathering as the last time she went. And she was thankful, in some ways. She knew if she saw Caladhiel she'd question what was going on, her friend had been kept in the dark along with Anameleth. Tauriel and Legolas would no doubt be off practising together, or just being children and seeing them would sadden her. She would miss them terribly, and she couldn't help but muse over how much they'd change by the time she returned.

Members of the council wouldn't miss her, she knew that. But the ruling leader, yes. Liruliniel knew that, yes, Thranduil would miss her. Perhaps more so now, before he was surrounded by love, and family. He didn't have that now. He had his son, but he did not have the other members of his family. Isolation could be a terrible thing, and she worried for him, deeply she did. Liruliniel made her way onwards, she was the only armour suited form to be flitting along the corridors and though she got questionable looks sent at her, Liruliniel just continued on determinedly.

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