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The man gave a deep breath, phone balanced between his ear and shoulder. The note that came with the worn book was clear on what he had to do, but it made him uneasy. Even though he was never one to question the Rosewell family, this time he needed some clarification.
"Pick up already Henry."
The soft creak of the door to his study made him glance away from the book. His eyes landing on a gruffy man. One he was proud to call his brother.
"Damien dinner is almost ready."
The man huffed, eyes glinting with a sense of urgency. One his brother didn't notice.
"Of course, let me just finish this call. Let Janice know I'll be down in a minute."
His brother's eyes narrowed with aggravation. For years this man had put him in the shadows, had wrung him like a rag. It was about time somebody showed him a lesson.
"Sure, I'll let her know you're skipping dinner."
The anger in his voice caused Damien's brows to furrow, his attention shifting towards his brother.
"Sebastian what's going on?"
His brother snapped, rushing towards the man.
Damien stumbled back, falling into his chair with a crash. His eyes widened, panic filling his chest as he tried to push his brother off.
"Why is it always you Damien? Your the perfect son, the adoring fiance!-"
Sebastian's hands wrapped around the panic man's neck. A frustrated snarl rising to his lips as he watched his brother try to claw his hands away.
He ignored Damien's sharp kick to his shin, ignored the way his eyes widened with fear.
"-But soon my dear brother, it'll all be mine. This world will fall into my hands and there will be nothing you can do to stop me."
Damien gasped for air, face slowly turning a horrid blue.
A gentle knock on the door made Sebastian glance back. A small woman with vibrant green orbs stood there, a bored expression on her face.
"Is it done?"
The man glanced at his limp brother in his hands, a hum falling from his lips.
"Yes, and less messier than you wanted to do."
The woman rolled her eyes, heels clicking against the wooden floors.
"Well stabbing him in his sleep would have been a lot more entertaining."
"Yes, but have you ever gotten blood out of a mattress before? It's horrid."
They chuckled, smiles rising to their cheeks.
"Now do you remember where he hid that book, my dear Janice?"
The women chuckled, heels clicking towards the towering bookshelves.
A soft hum fell from her lips as her fingers danced along spines of worn books.
Sebastien crossed his arms, eyes watching the dancing women. He would never admit that his feelings for the women developed into something romantic. He didn't deserve her, not one bit.
"Watch this."
Janice pulled a dark red book down, a soft creek filling the room. The bookshelf slowly creaked open, the women stepping out of the way.
"Wow, guess my brother was actually smart."
The man chuckled, hand resting on the woman's back as they walked deeper into the hidden room.
The table was a mess of books and papers, all of them holding valuable information. But as the pair looked through the papers of information, they realized what they were looking for wasn't there.
"Where the hell could he have put it?"
The woman chewed on her nail nervously, eyes glancing between her dead fiance and now her lover.
She suddenly wished she had paid attention to Damien's conversations. But it was suddenly too late for that.
Janice glanced at Sebastian, a grin stretched across his lips. Her attention flickered towards the wooden box in his hands, delicate carving on the surface.
Excitement flooded the both of them. The power they needed was finally in their hands, and the world would soon face the salvation it needed.
But as they slipped out of the home, they hadn't noticed the coldness that suddenly possessed it. Or the landline ringing nonstop.
Why? Why did they do this?
There was a sudden crack in the air, a sad chuckle filling the house.
Power? All they wanted was power?
The being shifted to his feet, deep golden orbs glancing at the hole in his stomach. The wound would close itself in time and leave nothing but a memory.
"That book will eat them whole. Something I really want to witness."
The man grinned, humming softly as his fingers tapped against the desk.
A deep chuckle rattled the house as the being glided down the halls. His eyes soaking in his home in a new light.
But the ringing caught his attention, a new feeling absorbing his chest. It wasn't hope, he knew that for certain.
It was a deep desire to destroy.
Though his plan was soon diminished when the click of heels filled his ears. Only a few actually had a key to his home, and it didn't surprise him she would show up.
"Well, you got yourself in a pickle Damien."
The beast turned towards the woman, a set of keys twirling around her finger.
"Me in a pickle? Why I never been so insulted in my life."
The man stalked towards the woman, her attention on picking at her nails.
"Well we called you five times in four hours and you usually answer. So we assumed you were in trouble-."
Her head tilted to the side, grey orbs glancing at the man over her glasses.
"-but I never expected you harbored enough hate to become an Echo. Not only that, but one with free will."
The man chuckled, bowing towards the women in a mock way. What she said was almost true, Damien had too much power up his sleeves.
A power they needed to harvest, to use.
"I'm full of many surprises."
"Well so am I."
The man didn't expect the sudden immobility. He didn't expect a cloud of darkness to consume him.
Nor did he expect to be trapped in that godforsaken place.
The Rosewell Manor always creeped him out.

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