Food Fight!! (Skool (Ik what I typed) au I guess)

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Jeff, Determination, and Justice were sitting together in the middle of the cafeteria. Bravery and Patience, Bravery's non-biological (brother/sister/sibling), walk by their table. Patience bumps into Determination and sloshes some vegetable soup on the back of Determination sweater. Determination demands that Patience pay for a new sweater, new shorts, and a new pair of boots because there were splashes of soup on (his/her/their/other) shirt.

Jeff smirks and nods with a look that makes it clear he supports Determination's point of view and demands. Kindness, who is sitting at the next table, recommends that everyone calm down just a little bit and tries to ease the tension of the situation.

Patience says (he/she/they/other) can't afford the cost of a whole new outfit - especially with those boots, but (he/she/they/other) does offer to pay for Determination's sweater.

Bravery and Patience look at Determination. Determination glares at Patience and says, "Who are you looking at?" Bravery suggests that Determination should leave (his/her/their/other) (brother/sister/sibling) alone. Determination asks "Who is going to help you make me leave (him/her/them/other) alone?"

Jeff turns around to Kindess's table and complains that Nina is staring at him from across the cafeteria. Kindness looks at Jeff and says, "It's a free country. Nina can look at whoever she wants to. In fact, I'm looking at you too. What are you going to do about it?"

Offended, and not wanting to lose face, Jeff returns his focus to the conversation between Bravery, Patience, and Determination over the spilled soup. Jeff tells Bravery to stop looking at Determination, or he will poke Bravery's eyes out.

Jane walks over to Kindness and they whisper together for a short while. They then ask Jeff if he is looking at Justice, who is sitting quietly eating (his/her/their/other) lunch at another table nearby.

Jeff stands up, stares at Jane, takes out his hair tie, and then punches Justice in the face.

Kindness and Jane punch Jeff. Determination punches Bravery. Jeff punches Kindess and Jane with one hand and Bravery with the other.

Bravery throws a punch at Jeff, but misses and almost falls over. Justice puts down (his/her/their/other) grilled cheese, wipes (his/her/their/other) mouth, and surprises everyone by punching Determination.

Perseverance gets (his/her/their/other) face pushed into a huge bowl of vanilla pudding, but stands back up and keeps fighting.

Bravery gets thrown to the cafeteria floor, is knocked out, and ends up with a concussion. When (he/she/they/other) wakes up, (his/her/their/other) personality has suddenly changed.

Justice throws another punch at Determination but misses. Determination falls over anyway as (he/she/they/other) tries(try) to avoid the punch. Justice then runs around the cafeteria, pumping (his/her/their/other) fists in the air, shouting "Now what?!"

Jeff texts Amber (Dark orange FEAR) a message that says "Slap Integrity!", but accidentally copies Integrity in on the message. This makes Integrity pissed. As Jeff walks by to punch Kindness, he steps on a ketchup packet that squirts on Integrity's (ballet/tap) shoes. Integrity stands up, takes (his/her/their/other) tray  and smashes Jeff over the head with it. Jeff falls to the floor, unconscious.

The cafeteria is a huge mess. There is a lot of damage that will need to be cleaned up and repairs to be made. Students who weren't even involved in the fighting are covered in food and some even have bumps and bruises from the brawl.

Kindness, Jane, and Integrity all agree that Jeff threw the first punch, so the whole fight is his fault. While Jeff is out cold, the three go through his book bag and take his wallet. They also clean out his lunch account and hack into his cell phone.

Don't question why Integrity has ballet/tap shoes
Also added a they and other option because I remembered there's more than two genders
Also all caps for the soul names was and eyesore, sooo-

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