"Why did he stop? I saw what he did to Liam, how comes he spared Eli?" I questioned and looked at Pri in confusion. Priyanka gave a bitter laugh and took something else out the bag and putting it on Elijah's nose.

"His dad loves my mum, my mum loves his dad. He wouldn't dare to seriously injure me or someone I care about, because he knows I will tell his father and then," Pri pauses, "Then my step-father would probably whoop his ass." She finished and looked at me while throwing the small cotton with alcohol through the air, landing it in the bin.

Show off.

Eli grunted, gripping his head. I grimaced at this and felt my own head, as if I were the one who had received what he had just received.

"Is your head okay?" I asked, reaching into my bag. Pri swiveled her head back to him and shuffled forward, placing her hand at the back of his head and feeling it.

She scowled with contempt, "There's a fucking bump because of him."

That was so unnecessary, is this a movie? A book? Wattpad?

Why did that- that- idiot get into a fight on his first day and-

Anger issues. Got it.

I kissed my teeth in annoyance at not finding the thing I was looking for, and dug deeper into my bag, before bringing out a small packet of pills, popping one out of its socket and handing it to Eli, along with my water bottle. "Paracetamol. Have one."

Elijah shook his head, waving his hand, "No, no. It's not that bad. It doesn't hurt- ow."

He winced when he shook his head a bit too hard, looking up at me with a sheepish half smile.

Yes Eli, it definitely doesn't hurt.

I huffed, shaking my head and shoving the pill and water bottle into his hand. "Eat."

"Eat? Do you even eat a pill-?"

"Eat!" I pushed with a pout.

Elijah quickly threw the pill into his mouth, swallowing it with water and wrinkling his face tight with distaste. "That tastes horrible."

Eli took another sip of water before coughing hysterically. Pri quickly reached forward, patting his back. A few moments after Eli's coughing ceased, we fell silent.

All three of us sighed at the same time and stared at the ground. Pri was now sitting on the table, Eli was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, and I was sitting crossed legged, with my elbows resting at my knees and my face in my hands. All three of us in our own dream world.

"Pri?" Elijah suddenly spoke.

She hummed in reply, still staring at the ground.

"What did you think... when your mum said that she was going to marry again...?" He hesitantly asked looking up at her. I also looked up at her, awaiting her answer.

After a few moments of silence, Pri spoke with a dazed off expression.

"I felt really happy... I was happy my mum was moving on from the death of my dad." Priyanka sighed with a small smile, "She seems more happier now...and I was delighted to hear that I was finally having a sibling, I never had a sibling. Or cousins."

Pri's smile turned into a frown, "So when I found out he was a complete dickhead...  I... I don't know... I guess I just, felt disappointed?"

She looked up from the table and at us, "Well! I have you guys! And that's all I need," She finished and beamed down at us two.

"That deserves a group hug...come on" I said, getting up with Elijah chuckling. Pri giggled lightly as we embraced each other in a tight group hug for a few minutes. I was the first to pull apart and laid back on the floor with my hands behind my head, closing my eyes slowly. I felt two bodies come on either side of me and opened my eyes to see Priyanka on my left and Elijah on my right. Both were in the same position as I was and had their eyes closed. I smiled and went back to closed eyes.

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