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"Do you ever just look at the stars and wonder how they can shine even though they're in complete darkness?"

Cedric and I laid on the grass and watched the stars twinkle in the night sky. The cool breeze hit my face as I smiled to myself.

I continued, "I wish people were more like them. You know, shining and shimmering even through dark times."

He let out a laugh and simply answered, "But that's how stars work, right? Imagine if the whole universe was shining. Stars wouldn't have a place to do their shit."

"Yeah, but you don't need complete nothingness to do your thing or whatever. I mean, some stars do shine brighter than others, right?" I told him.

"Point conceded. But what if everything was bright, you wouldn't figure out how shiny you want to be, would you? I guess it goes for people too, you can get lost in darkness and find yourself there, know your limits, discover your shine." He shrugged.

"You're right. And darkness makes stars visible. It makes them like, ten times more cooler because they look pretty." I laughed.

He picked a flower from beside his head and pulled out its petals as he said, "Technically, they aren't cool because they're hot. That's how they 'shine,' silly."

I sat up and gave him a look. "Are you saying pretty people can't be cool?"

"I never said anything! Of course pretty people can be cool, I know someone." He sat up as well and raised his brow.

"Really, who?"

"Oh, I don't know. Probably the person I'm talking to right now."

I stood up and threw him a leaf I've been using as a fidget spinner a while ago and giggled, "That's so cheesy, I hate you."

He grinned, "I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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