Gotham's Most Wanted - Part 4

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"Bring her back agent Purvis, just bring her back." Purvis heard as he and Jones left the manor.


"What the hell are ya doing sleeping on the floor when there's a perfectly good bed there?" Joker said as he stood in the doorway, a tray of food in his hand, and a confused look on his face.

(Y/n) slowly sat up, stretching her aching muscles. Even though a rug on a hard wooden floor was not the best sleeping arrangement, it was probably cleaner than the bed. She shuddered slightly as the thoughts of what could possibly have happened on that mattress filled her mind.

"Are you kidding, if I slept in that god knows what I'd catch. I mean, were the linens even changed after it was last used." (Y/n) said as she stood up, feeling every vertebra in her back crack.

Joker chuckled as he walked over to the small table and placed down the tray. "The trouble with you is that you're too fussy. That bed is better than the one I have; I'm surprised you ain't demanded silk sheets and room service yet."

"Ok, firstly, I am not fussy. Secondly, if that bed is better than yours, believe me I will swap. Thirdly, I don't need silk sheets, and finally, I already have room service. If you haven't noticed you are the one bringing food to me in my room, that in my books is room service." (Y/n) said, sitting on the corner of the bed, her arms folded firmly across her chest.

"This ain't no fancy hotel that you and ya brother are used to stayin in, if ya ain't noticed toots. And I ain't no porter, and this ain't room service." Joker huffed as he looked over at the woman perched uncomfortably on the very corner of the bed.

"Not room service? Well that's good because that means I don't have to tip you. It's terrible service anyway." (Y/n) said, trying to bite back the small smile that threatened to creep onto her face.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry princess if we don't meet your standards. Next time I'll knock and tug my forelock to ya when I come in. Or would ya like a bow? And you can keep ya tip, I don't need ya money." Joker said as he came to sit next to her on the bed.

"HA! You don't need my money? Then why were you trying to rob the bank that everyone in Gotham knows holds the Wayne family fortune? You are not trying to tell me that you were there to take the life savings of the average Jo Blow that lives around the corner, because whether you believe me or not, I know your better than that, and I know that isn't your style. You were in Gotham National Bank to steal from us, and any other rich family that just so happens to have their money there. I don't know if you see yourself as some kind of modern day Robin Hood, where you steal from the rich and give to the poor; but Thomas isn't King John, and I am most certainly not the Sheriff of Nottingham." (Y/n) said with a sigh.

Gingerly she placed her hand over his, for some reason she needed him to know that she was in some way, capable of understanding a little about his life.

"You know.......and I know you won't believe this, but there is part of me that understands why you did what you did. Why you stopped being Arthur Fleck and became Joker. I work downtown a lot with some of the poorest people that Gotham has to offer; I've seen women that have been beaten by their husbands, children that have been hurt, and men that are so desperate for work they will do anything, because they think if they can't provide for their families then they aren't a real man. What you did, what you do, gives these people hope; they see that if one of their own can rebel against the system and spread some of the wealth, then the rest of them have a chance. As I said before, it's a shame you lost your hope, but I'll lend you some of mine if you like." (Y/n) said with a soft laugh.

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