Loveable goofball - Arthur x Reader

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How many times can you have your heart broken before you give up on the whole idea of love? Well, whatever the answer really was, once felt like enough for (Y/n). Real love was a hard thing to come by in a city like Gotham. It was big, anonymous, and bleak. (Y/n) knew that the vast majority of its inhabitants out there were just simple people like she was. All trying their best to survive. But she also knew that there were those that seemed to want nothing more than to screw everyone else over. And from what (Y/n) could tell, it was those kinds of men that she seemed to attract.

"You're better off without him, honey. I never did like him. If you ask me, there are rats in the alley back there, that are more likable than Anthony. I'm sure that there is a lovely guy out there, that's just meant for you." Rita said, as she came up behind (Y/n). Joining her at the counter as they both looked out onto the damp street.

Since (Y/n) had started work at Randy's diner, she had grown to like the much older waitress. And she and the owner, Randy, made it worth dragging herself from bed every morning to come to work. They were a sweet couple. (Y/n) sure that the two had been married longer than she had been alive. And in a strange way, the three of them had become like a little family. And now her work, and time with multitude of weird and unusual characters that patronised the diner, felt like the only highlight in (Y/n)'s life.

(Y/n) knew that neither Rita nor Randy had liked Anthony. And in hindsight, everything that they had said about him was right. Yet love, or at least what you think is love, can make you blind to the other persons glaringly obvious faults. But ever since they had broken up a month ago, (Y/n)'s eyes had been opened. And she was determined to never be treated so disrespectfully again.

"I don't think I want another man. I know that is may be a sweeping generalisation, but all men are assholes. And I'm better off without one." (Y/n) sighed. Her and Rita turning around as they heard a cough from the kitchen.

"Okay. Every other man apart from you, Randy." (Y/n) chuckled, as she looked at her boss. The older man puffing out his large chest proudly at (Y/n)'s comment.

"I know it may seem like that at the moment, honey. But I promise you that there are good men out there. I used to go around with a boy by the name of Eddy. He was the most handsome boy in town. He always dressed well. Always smelled good. Now I thought that he was the best thing since sliced bread. And it didn't matter what my friends or other people tried to tell me about him. That he was a slippery customer and shouldn't be trusted. I didn't want to listen. But one day I walked in on him kissing my best friend, and I was devastated. Not just by his betrayal, but more by hers. And just like you, I swore off boys. But then, out of the blue, came this boy. He was a big lovable goofball that made me feel like a princess. And he still does to this day." Rita told (Y/n), as she looked over at her husband and smiled fondly.

"Yeah. Well, you were lucky. I mean, what are the chances of me finding a loveable goofball in Gotham?" (Y/n) sighed again. As she returned to lean on the counter. Placing her chin in palm of her hand, as she contemplated life.


How many times can you have your heart broken before you give up on the whole idea of love? Well, not that Arthur had ever really been in love. Not really ever had the chance to get to know a girl properly, in fact. Yet he was always hopeful. Always wishing. But real love seemed to be a hard thing to come by in a city like Gotham. Arthur knew that the vast majority of the city's inhabitants out there, were just simple people like he was. All of them working their fingers to the bone, trying their best to survive. And surly, surly amongst all those hundreds and thousands of people, there had to be one girl that could see past his awkwardness and love the man inside. A girl that would care about him. A girl that would enjoy spending time with him. A girl that thought more about him, than he did himself. But he doubted it.

Slowly he shuffled down the sidewalk. Arthur had decided to drag himself from his apartment and go to Randy's diner. Normally he would go there at the strangest times. Often it would be after work, or even in the middle of the night when he couldn't sleep as usual. But no matter what the time, he always seemed to receive a warm welcome, and that was something unusual in his life.


(Y/n) looked up as the small bell over the diner door rung out. A man that she had never seen before walking in and making his way over to one of the booths. He was an unusual looking thing. Dressed in the dullest clothes (Y/n) thought that she had ever seen. The clothes and his slender features making his look older than she sure he was. Yet there was something about him that made her want to smile.

"Oh, Arthur? I wonder what he's doing here? He's earlier than he normally would be." Rita commented as she looked over at the nervous looking man that was waiting patiently to be served.

"You know him?" (Y/n) asked. Confused that she had never seen this Arthur before.

"Oh course, you've never met him, have you? Arthur's been coming in for a little while, but it's usually when you're not here. He seems like such a sweet thing. A little quiet, and I swear that he could use a good meal inside him. But he's a real dahlin. He actually works as a clown for kid's parties and things like that. He even entertains those poor sick kids in the hospital." Rita replied, as she looked between (Y/n) and Arthur. The older woman noticing that (Y/n) was smiling for the first time since she had split with Anthony.

"Why don't you go and see what he wants, (Y/n)? Go introduce yourself." Rita continued. As she pushed (Y/n) out from behind the counter and over to where Arthur sat.


"Hi. What can I get you?" A voice asked. Arthur looking up to see a beautiful woman smiling down at him.

"I, er............tea. Tea would be good." Arthur managed to eventually say. Sure that his heart had just skipped a few beats.

"Tea?............Oh yeah. Tea. No problem. I'll bring it over for you. If you need anything else, just let me know." (Y/n) replied, forgetting what she was supposed to be doing for a moment, as she looked into his bright green eyes.

"I'll..........I'll.........just. Yeah. Tea. Sorry." (Y/n) continued. Desperately trying to get her legs to move away from the booth. Her body seeming to refuse to want to go anywhere.

"Hi, Arthur. I see you've met our beautiful (Y/n)." Rita said, as she came up behind (Y/n) and smiled at Arthur. The older woman chuckling to herself as she watched (Y/n) and Arthur continue to look at one another.

"I tell you what. Why don't you take a seat and tell Arthur all about yourself, (Y/n)? I'll go and bring him his tea." Rita told (Y/n) as she maneuvered her into the seat across from Arthur, leaving the two to talk. Rita sure that (Y/n) might have just found her very own lovable goofball. 

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