Angel of mercy - Part 4 - Arthur x Reader

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"Sarah. I need some water." (Y/n) called out as she helped Arthur sit down. Pulling the wig from his head and brushing his damp hair back over his head.

"What.....what's happening?" Sarah asked, standing and staring as the painted man continued to laugh painfully.

"Not now, Sarah. Just get me some water and let me look after this." (Y/n) replied as she used the sleeve of her shirt to wipe the sweat from Arthur's brow. Not caring that she was now covered in his thick makeup.

"I need you to look at me Arthur." (Y/n) said, as crouched before him. Wiping even more of his grease paint from his face.

"I want you to try and breath steadily. Don't worry about anything that was said out there, all I want you to do is focus on me and breath." (Y/n) continued as she carefully took the clown's face in her hands. Taking slow and steady breaths as Arthur tried to copy her.

"(Y/n)." Sarah hesitantly said, as she walked back into the room. Watching as her sister and the clown looked at one another. (Y/n)'s thumb brushing gently over the man's cheek as they breathed together.

"Just put the water on the table and go and take care of Nathan." (Y/n) replied, never taking her eyes from Arthur's teary emerald orbs. Sarah doing as she was asked, and then leaving the two alone.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I............" Arthur managed to say, as (Y/n) took his wrist in her hand and looked at her watch. The clown's heart thundering in his chest as he thought about what would get back to Hoyt.

"There is absolutely nothing to be sorry for, Arthur. And I need you to calm down. Your heart rate is too high, and I am not going to risk anything else happening to you. So, you and I are going to sit here until I'm happy that you're well enough for me to take you home." (Y/n) said, as she handed him the glass of water, and sat by his side.

"'re gonna take me home? Honestly, I'm fine, (Y/n). You don't need to do that." Arthur blurted out, hating the idea of the beautiful doctor going anywhere near his crappy apartment. Not wanting her to know how he really lived.

"That's doctor's orders, Arthur. I am not letting you make your own way back to the city from here. You've had an episode and I want to make sure that you get home safe and sound. What kind of person would I be if I just let you go on your way after this? How do you think I'll feel if I found out that something else happened to you? And I'm not just speaking as a doctor here, Arthur. I'm saying this as someone that cares for you, and only wants the best for you." (Y/n) replied, as she took hold of both his hands and squeezed them tight.

Before Arthur could say anything in reply, a commotion outside the room caught his and (Y/n)'s attention. (Y/n) rolling her eyes as she heard the inane complaints of her sister's friends.

"You stay here, Arthur. I have to go and slay some dragons." (Y/n) growled, as she left the worried Arthur. Growing angrier as she heard some of the women's comments.

"My child is never coming over here again. I don't know if they will be safe being in this environment. How could you do this Sarah? How could you put our children in danger by letting that maniac around them? He could have gone berserk. He could have attacked us. He could have............" The woman ranted, stopping midsentence as she almost bumped into (Y/n).

"Firstly, how dare you speak to my sister like that. Sarah is one of the most loving and caring people I have ever met. She went out of her way to do all this crap because of you and rest of the pack of hounds behind you. My nephew would have been happy with a few friends over, a cake and some presents. But noooooooo. My sister has to go out of her way, has to go completely overboard just so that you don't talk about her behind her back. But Sarah doesn't get that horrendous creatures like you will always find something to whine, gripe, and complain about. That even if she had a three ringed circus and a full zoo out there. People like you will always find something to undermine her about.

Secondly, that man in there. That man that you have all just treated like he was little more than something nasty that you had stepped in, just happens to be the most wonderful, amazing, and gentle man that you could ever hope to meet. He has more heart and soul in his little finger than you have in your whole fake, designer clothes wearing, polished turd of a body. And I swear, if one of you even thinks about contacting his place of work and complaining, you'll all regret it more than your last round of plastic surgery. Now, why don't you get your narcissistic, egocentric, cheap gold, counterfeit Versace backside out of this house, before I really get angry." (Y/n) hissed disdainfully, as she threw open the front door, and gestured for the women to leave.

"(Y/n)!" Sarah called out, as her sister shut the door behind the last departing guest. (Y/n) waiting for the backlash from her older sister.

"Look Sarah, before you start saying that I have messed everything up. That I shouldn't have said any of those things, and now you are going to have to go and apologise for everything. That I've made your life even harder, and that I should keep my nose out. I want you to know that I stand by everything I just said. And that I said it because I love you, and I know that not a single one of those women deserve to even think about calling you a friend. Because you are better than all of them. And............." (Y/n) tried to explain. Only stopping as Sarah pulled her into her arms and squeezed her tight.

"Thank you (Y/n). Your right, I will probably end up going and apologising, even though I know I shouldn't. But thank you. And do you really think that Vanessa was wearing fake Versace?" Sarah asked, as the two sisters smiled at one another.

"I don't know. But one thing is for sure. It touched a nerve." (Y/n) chuckled, as she turned her attention back to the room where Arthur was secreted.

"Why don't you go and check on your patient, and I will go and see if I can salvage what's left of Nathan's birthday." Sarah said, pushing (Y/n) back into the room to face Arthur. (Y/n) knowing that there was no way that he hadn't heard everything that she had just said.

"Hi. How's the patient?" (Y/n) enquired as she moved slowly back towards the sofa. Arthur struggling to believe what he had just heard her say.

"Did. Did you mean all that, (Y/n)? Did you mean everything that you just said about me?" Arthur nervously asked, as his angel of mercy sat by his side.

"I. I did, yes. Every time I see you, you make me smile. Even when you've been hurt, you still manage to laugh. You make my day better, and I can't help but care about you. You are such a gentle, sweet hearted man, Arthur. And..........and well, I like you. I like you a lot. And I'd like to get to know you better." (Y/n) confessed. Never having felt so nervous in her entire life.

Arthur looked at the woman by his side. His hand cautiously creeping over and carefully taking hers. A soft smile pulling at (Y/n)'s lips as she intertwined her fingers with his. The doctor turning to look at the clown as Arthur summoned all his courage and gingerly leant over to kiss her lips.

"Aunty (Y/n)." A small voice called out. The door flying open as Nathan rushed in. The two adults jumping apart as if they had both been hit by lightning.

"Mother says that we can go to Chuck E. Cheese. Do you and Mister Carnival want to come?" The little boy asked happily. Seeming to have completely forgotten about the clown's outburst.

"Oh. I'd love to buddy. But I'm just going to take Mister Carnival home. Though I promise that the next time I get a day off, you and I will go do something fun." (Y/n) replied, laughing as the little boy threw himself into her arms, before pulling away and doing the same to a shocked Arthur.

"Thank you for being the best clown ever, Mister Carnival. Maybe you can come with me and aunty (Y/n) when we go out." Nathan gushed happily, before rushing back out of the room and leaving (Y/n) and Arthur on their own again.

"Looks like you made a good impression. Come on, let's get you home. I think I've had enough of the suburbs for one day." (Y/n) chuckled, as she rose to her feet. Holding out her hand for Arthur to take. The two making their way out to (Y/n)'s car. 

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