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"This game is an emotion, dude."

Tani didn't know whether to be totally annoyed or curious; when a super excited yet secretive Neha dragged her and a totally annoyed Siri to god's know where.

She had stuffed them in a cab and the cab had dropped them on the threshold of the hotel Oberoi Grand.

And yet, she is totally unaware of why she is being dragged inside a five-star hotel by a Neha vibrating with excitement.

Tani couldn't even frame out her question? And Siri looked ready to fire grenades summoned out of thin air on Neha while the girl in question seemed to be too busy on typing something on her phone.

And again, before Tani could ask her anything. Neha had stalked to the receptionist asked her something, passed her a beaming smile.

And then looked beside her a little surprised not finding her two besties beside her, Neha frowned.

She turned around searching for them and noticing them still standing near the gate, gesturing them towards her wildly.

Tani took a deep long-suffering sigh. This girl will be her death one day for sure.

Siri gritted her teeth frustrated with her unbearably excited and cheery roommate.

What had she drunk today? A truck full of red bull to be so over-energized?

When Tani and Siri reached Neha, ignoring their confused looks and angry glares, she dragged them to the lift.

Neha seemed really in a super-excited state. She was visibly vibrating in the lift after pressing the desired floor.

"Why are we here Neha?" Tani questioned Neha getting fed up with her antics.

She has to study but here she is in a lift of a five-star hotel without any reason.

"Neha, answer the question" Siri hissed at Neha, who has suddenly started to whistle some unknown tune.

"Patience, dear patience. Everything will be revealed in due time." Neha beamed like a saint in their direction as the lift opened.

Neha walked out of the lift with a visible spring in her steps.

Tani and Siri followed behind scowling and frowning.

"What's wrong with her?" Siri questioned Tani while eyeing the skipping Neha with a wary look.

"I honestly don't know" Tani replied back, even though she was calm and composed one in their group.

Sometimes even the most calm persons lose their cool. And Neha's behavior was achieving just that.

Neha totally unaware of her irritated friends rushed towards the room sparkling in front of her.

"Knock" "knock" "knock"

On the third knock, the door opened and a slightly disheveled Kuldeep stood in front of her.

Looking at her all surprised.

"Hi, Kulya" Neha glowed with happiness.

"Nehu!!" Kuldeep beamed happily going forward for a hug while Neha forwarded her hand for a handshake.

Kuldeep with open arms and Neha with forwarded hand look at each other. A bit awkward, a bit shy (of course it's Kulya, Neha and Shy don't go hand in hand) as Kuldeep rubbed the back of his neck feeling a little bit sheepish.

Neha just shrugged her shoulders a little and comply with Kulya's wish of a hug. They were best friends, after all.

Kuldeep was surprised for a minute that Neha hugged him but it took him just a few seconds to recover and take her in a bear hug.

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