Senbu Is A Chaotic Dumbass

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"The floor tasted like..."

「床は美味しいです!」Senbu said excitedly, clapping rapidly.

"NO THE FLOOR IS NOT DELICIOUS???" Dark screamed in fear but Senbu doesn't understand English. "Uhhh..."

Edge came to his rescue, equally concerned. 「床は全然美味しいではありません。」

"What he say?" Lance asked in his still questionable English. He's working on it still. He does not understand Japanese.

"The floor is not yummy at all," Dark translated.

「床はとても汚いです。」 Edge scolded.

"The floor is very dirty," Dark halfheartedly translated.

Senbu pouted. 「床を 食べたいです!」

"NO YOU DO NOT WANT TO EAT THE FLOOR!!!" Dark raged. 「床は食べたくないです。」

Senbu stuck his tongue out, pouting for the rest of the night because he wasn't allowed to eat the floor.

ANOTHER BOOK OF BS INSTEAD OF SLEEPKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat