The Horrors Of The Night Melt Away

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"A book that is written entirely through messages left on an answering machine."

"Happy birthday, Edge! I wish you all the best! Love, Lance."

"I know I'm probably just being paranoid, but are you alright? It's been twelve hours... Love you!"

"Edge? Please pick up. I'm worried about you. Love, Lance."

"quiet sobbing Edge... Edge please... I'm so worried... It's been three days! Should I call the police? Darling, where are you...?"

"full on tearsEdge...! I love you so much...! Please... please be alright... I can't lose you... You mean so much to me... I'll do anything! Anything... to hear your voice again..."

"I can't sleep. I can't eat. I can't do anything without thinking of you. Edge... I need you! I hope you're doing okay. I love you so much... Love, Lance."

"I love you, Edge, with all of my heart. I will personally fly my ass over there to ensure you're safe. You're scaring me... Is something wrong...? You can talk to me about anything, I won't judge. I just want you to be safe and happy. Love you, dear. Love, Lance."

"Oh Edge... trailing off into heavy sobs ...Please come back..."

Edge picked up the phone with shaking hands.

He'd been locked in his room for two weeks, treated like some animal. His father had beaten him several times, screaming obscenities at him. He'd been securely bound and gagged throughout the two weeks, and had been starved.

The only relief was his mother. When Asvaldur left for work, Janna rushed to his room, untying him and dressing his wounds, bathing him and making him eat a fresh cooked meal.

For those two weeks, Asvaldur had shorter hours. He found out Edge was somehow escaping his bindings in the first week, which is why he extended the punishment for a second. He locked Edge into the room securely, giving him no way to escape and no one else could get into his room.

He was so hungry it hurt his entire body, and to move was torture. Asvaldur gave him water in the form of mashing his face into a water bowl, forcing him to drink,it like an animal.

Finally released, he listened to Lance's messages and cried. He didn't want to worry him. He also realized it was time Lance knew the truth about his family.

He video called, terrified.

Lance picked up immediately, attacking with a barrage of "are you okay" and "I was so worried" and "I love you." Edge tried to smile, but it hurt.

"What happened??? My god, who hurt you like that? Your face..."

Edge sighed, and showed Lance the rest of his body, using a mirror to assist. He stood naked before Lance, covered in bloody bandages, bruises and gashes.

"No... No no no... I can't let anyone hurt you like that. That's not allowed. No one van hurt you! You're too good!" Lance was hysterical. "Edge, who the hell did this to you? I'll tear them apart!"

Edge quietly got back in his bed, covering himself with the blanket. "Lance... My father... hits me..."

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