Blue Is Ew Black Is Lit

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"He stared at the bodies on the ground, at the girl covered in blood.

Her eyes narrowed as she stood up.

"You're late.""

"You're late," Black Star growls. Blue frowns at her.

"You'd kill for her?"

"For Reactor?"


"Of course. I love her, unlike you to Punkish. You only use him for sex."

"So? Lancer does that to Edge."

"Then you haven't seen them together. They love each other. If only you could see the way Edge greets Lance, rushing up to him for a a big hug. If only you could see how Lance holds that boy and tells him how worthwhile he is and how much he loves him. If only you could see how they treat each other after sex. You're so ignorant. You don't understand love."

"Shut up."

"You don't."

"How do you know Punkish doesn't love me? It's not like he just said it."

"He hides from you. He always makes excuses not to see you. He takes all opportunities to get away. You call that love?"

Blue's frown deepens.

"He doesn't love you, Blue."

"Shut up."

"He'll never love you."

"Shut UP!"

"No one can love you."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he roars, striking her down. She catches his wrists, strong arms straining against his.

"No one will love you if you have no love to give."

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