Chapter 3: Whispers growing

Start from the beginning

Saladin: "Good, now that you are done squabbling, we can do what we came together to do. Now, Ms. Khan, do you know where the Red Fang are hiding out?"

Sienna: "Not yet, but we have leads, follow me."

She turns and talks past the large titan and to the corridors of the base, sneaking a dirty look at me when she walked by.

F/N: "What's her deal."

I mutter before following, Saladin staying next to me Illia and Mithrax taking up in front, Star flouting over my shoulder.

Saladin: "That was most unlike you."

F/N: "Ya just.... didn't have my coffee this morning."

He gave me a slight glare after my poor attempt at the lie.

Saladin: "This is no time for jokes, you know that."

F/N: "Ya ya..... just tired ok? Really haven't had a good night's rest as of late."

Star: "Nightmares? Is it Oryx?"

I shivered slightly when she said that name. Oryx, the hive god, father of Crota. For what seemed like a lifetime ago, before the arrival of the fallen, he had spoken to me in a dream, telling me he would come for my light. Since then, he had been silent, but I could sense he had now an ever growing hatred beyond me being the Traveler's chosen. I had slain his son in combat, now more than his want to consume my power, he seeks revenge.

F/N: "No, just..... normal nightmares."

Star: "About Beacon?"

F/N: "Ya....

I hated lying to her, I really did, but I knew that the moment I told her, Saladin, or anyone else about what I'd been seeing, what I'd felt from the weapon of sorrow, it would be taken from me..... and I didn't want it to go.

Saladin: "Well, try and sleep well tonight, I have a feeling you will need your energy tomorrow."

F/N: "I'll try."

The older guardian patted my shoulder before we entered a large room, maps of the continent lay across the walls, a single skylight let some natural sunlight stream down onto a center large oak table, a map with several pins and markings on it lay spread across its surface.

Standing around the table were a couple Faunus, one of them I recognized.

F/N: "Lieutenant."

Lieutenant: "Kell of Kells, Ms. Khan."

Sienna: "What did you find out from the scouts."

She moved to stand next to him, the myself and the rest moving around the table to get a look. The markings I saw earlier were around small villages that lined the coast.

Lieutenant: "Outside from what we got from the village, no. The raids have been quick.... they killed some that tried to defend their homes."

F/N: "Meaning it it's likely the Devils.....

I frowned at the thought. I'd been fighting them for so long at this point, I knew that Sienna was right when she said they were my fault...... they will be brought to justice.

Mithrax: "Lieutenant is it? Where did they strike from?"

He pointed to each, tracing their path onto each village.

Lieutenant: "They came from these directions, anything from their tactics you want to share?"

Mithrax looked it over for a moment, his upper right hand resting on his chin as he thought. Star flouted over and looked over it for a bit.

Hunter's Journey book 4: Devils advocateWhere stories live. Discover now