Chapter 7: Coruption

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F/N's perspective

Red bolts fired wildly, the chassis hit the ground and burns crossed my body. My chase after the Red fang had started to slow to a crawl as I fought room to room. Vex were coming to life where they once stood still like statues, moss overgrown over their bronze frames.

At the moment, I was pinned behind a pillar. Vex goblins and hydras kept pelting it with fire. Chuck by chuck they chipped away at my cover. Breathing heavily, I reloaded a fresh mag into Risk Runner. The spent one clattering to the ground next to my leg, a sizzling wound adorning my thigh.

F/N: "Fucking machines."

I said through gritted teeth and used the pillar for support to hoist myself up onto my feet. The wound on my thigh sent a wave of pain through me. Though despite the injury, I sprinted out from my cover, the Hydra sending out a volley of void plasma at where I had just been. A second later the massive bolts of energy broke the pillar in two, collapsing a portion of the upper floor onto this one.

Now keeping myself moving behind the pillars that lined the room, I started to fire at the Vex. Arc rounds flew through the air towards the Vex aggressors. One unfortunate Goblin got the brunt of the first spray and it exploded. The others redirected their aim and began to return fire. Red and blue lights filled the room as both parties attempted to hit the other. More goblins fell, my bullets striking home into their glowing white cores. Though it wasn't without a cost as another bolt of red plasma slammed into my left shoulder. I lost the feeling in that arm as the plasma burned the nerves away, leaving a charred mess of flesh and cloth.

Staggering even heavier now, I emptied the rest of the mag into the last goblin, now leaving the hydra without support. However, in my current state, the slow firing metal behemoth was just as threatening as the smaller swarm of goblins.

With the large cannons charging up for another potentially fatal attack, I had to think on my feet.....well, my one working foot. So using my momentum, I ran towards a pillar. As soon as the hydra fired it's volley of plasma I jumped, planted my foot against the stone and launched myself back the way I came. I was again, much like before, in the nick of time as the plasma slammed into the pillar, blowing chunks of rock in all directions.

Grunting as I hit the ground, I forced myself to start moving again. Half limping, half running back towards the section that had collapsed. I locked my smg into the mag mount on my back. Though as I went to pull another fresh mag out from my belt, only to find the feeling of worn leather brushing my gloved fingers was felt.

F/N: (Fuck! It's just like the trial all over again!)

As I came to this revelation, the cursed voices spoke in the back of my mind. Like a thousand little pins, they poked at the back of my mind. All collectively telling me to draw the cursed weapon of sorrow. I held back, however. Another volley of plasma hit behind me. The blast was close enough for the heat to noticeably warm the back plates of my armor.

Now though with a window of time, I clambered up the rubble. If I was going to have any chance at beating this hydra in my current condition, I needed the high ground. So with my still functional arm I dug my fingers into the broken stone, pulling myself up the ruined rock.

As I made it to the top, another volley of plasma slammed into the stone below me, the shockwave blasting me up over the lip, burning the back of my calves and feet.

Gritting my teeth more as I hit the ground, I forced myself to combat roll into a kneeling position. I glanced towards the Hydra, seeing that it was slowly making its way over to me, now that I was above its firing arc.

So, with a shaky arm, I pulled Young Wolf's Howl from my back. The large two handed blade feeling heavy in my hand. Not having the strength to lift it fully, I let it drag across the ground as I moved,panting slightly as exhaustion started to sink in. At this point I had used my store of light to heal my wounds from prior engagements, and I barely had enough to keep my body from shutting down.

So as the hydra was about to begin ascending up to my level when I jumped off the edge. My blade tightly gripped in my hand as I let out a war cry. The hydra let out a metallic noise of distress as I landed on top of it. The weight carried by my falling mass helped the blade pierce through the chassis.

Feeling a sense of hope move through me as the hydra started to tilt off its axis, I did my best to drive the long sword deeper, trying to disable some key system. However my opponent wasn't through yet, in a last ditch effort to free itself, the hydra used its teleport ability. The chassis turned into Vex particles  under me, the lack of ground under my feet concerning as I fell onto my good leg, twisting my ankle in the process.

Out of breath from it being knocked out of me, I looked up to see the Hydra reforming in the center of the room. It's glowing red optic peering down at me, the plasma cannon charging up to fire once more. The voices now a collective scream to grab Thorn and open fire at the aggressor. I held back the urge however, weakly reaching for my blade. Though it seems the curse had its own self preservation in mind, as I felt a stinging pain in the back of my mind. I watched in fear as I lost control of my functional arm, instead of reaching for the blade, it went directly for the holster. I did my nest to resist, though it was a vain attempt as the weapon was drawn.

The plasma cannons were almost ready to fire, my finger curling around the trigger of my gun against my will. So, I let out an exhale and prepped for what would be my second death. Though fate had other ideas as the sound of a heavy machine gun sounded off behind me.

The hydra fell under the heavy fire, falling to the ground before exploding. The feeling in my arm returned a second later, to which I holstered Thorn and let my head lull back against the cold stone. Heavy footfalls echoed behind me before a familiar ghost hovered over my body.

Star: "F/N!"

F/N: "Hey.....little help here?"

I asked though it was redundant as the ghost started to heal my wounds, a warmth re entered my body. Sitting up slowly as the light coursed through my body, though I winced as a pain arced across my right arm and eye. Star stopped healing me after a bit, as I felt a wet nose press against my side.

Glancing back, I saw Alpha looking at me with a worried expression. I simply patted his head gently before he turned to light and returned to my shoulder.

Saladin: "Guardian."

F/N: "Saladin."

I said, moving to my feet, the towering Titan held a heavy machine gun in his hands, Mithrax at his flank. Both looked at with concern as my eye and arm still stung, feeling a since of dread wash over me.

F/N: "My eye's green isn't it?"

Star: " why did you-

F/N: "I don't have time to explain. Eramis is trying to use the Vex gates to call reinforcements from Sol."

Mithrax: "We know, that captain at the entrance told us, guardian your in not state to-

F/N: "Noted but wrong, I can still fight."

Saladin: "Yes, but how long will that 'thing' is the one in control, guardian we can handle it from here."

The Iron lord went to reach out his hand, only for my arm to burn as I smacked his hand away.

'F/N': "Do not touch me- Gah!"

I hold my head as the curse gained a bit of control of my body. Star looking more worried for me.

F/N: "How many of you are there?"

I said, pushing past what just happened to put the mission first.

Mithrax: "Just us and a few Elixni holding the entrance."

I nodded, though our banter would have to wait as vex portals on the upper floors started to open, behind me, a Vex lift came to life.

Star: "Multiple power readings coming from the top of this structure!"

F/N: "Shit..... Mithrax, Saladin, hold the line, Star, we need to stop them."

Mithrax: "Sir we can-

But he was cut off as the curse forced me to draw my gun, they all looked at me wide eyed as I fired, the round flew right next to Saladin's face and planted itself into a harpy, the chassis falling to the ground with the twisted spike sunk into its optic.

F/N: "The Vex will try to shut this down, please. Just trust me?"

I asked, almost a plea at this point. The two warriors looked between each other as the first wave of Vex started to come out of the portals.

Saladin: "Alright young wolf, good luck."

He said, reloading his weapon and began to open fire, Mithrax soon joining him. With the distracted Vex firing at them, I sprinted towards the lift, Star swiftly disappearing into my armor.

Star: (I'm not leaving you.)

F/N: (Wouldn't have it any other way....... Star I'm-)

Star: (Quiet.... we can deal with what happened after we take down the Red fang like you said.)

F/N: (Right.)

And so, dodging some Vex plasma bolts, I dove into the lift. The anti-gravity field making my stomach turn as it caught my body and moved me to the top.

Now with Star with me, I brought forth a weapon from my vault. Putting away Risk Runner to drew Does not bow. The auto rifle felt right in my hands as well made it to the top. The lift spitting me out near the top of the mountain, large ruin like structures covered by plants encased what lay ahead.

A massive portal, about maybe two story's tall stood dormant in front of me. A crowd of what remained of the Red fang stood before it, Adam and Eramis at the head of the group. Though it seemed as they noticed my presence as the leaders turned to face me.

Eramis: "Cursed Kell of Kells, come to watch your doom? Or have you came to kill us?"

She said, pulled a shrapnel launcher off her back. Adam drew his wilt from the sheath on his hip, many of the grunts and Eliksni pulling their own weapons out.

F/N: "No, I've come to bring you all to judgement."

Adam: "You won't stop us! Once this portal is lit, we will have more then enough to take your thrown!"

F/N: "And what? Without me Crota's father will destroy this world! Come quietly, please."

I said, trying despite the curse to settle this peacefully, though it was a vain attempt even for me as Eramis laughs.

Eramis: "No, your title will be mine, I will lead our people to a better future and reclaim the Great Machine!"

F/N: "Fine...... but remember."

I said as I pulled back the firing pin.

F/N: "I gave you a out."

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