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A gunshot rang their ears startling them with surprise. The higher dropped to the ground as Y/N's father held a smoking gun... The one that shot him before he could shoot Y/N.

"You have a gun!" Was the first thing Y/N asked as her voice was still wavering with fear. "Wow,"

"Of course I did, l now we better get the hell out of here before we are so close and I am not letting you guys not make it now," Then suddenly they were in the car again on the road to a new life... A life hopefully without poverty but the bliss of living a normal life without worry.

That was their goal and they were about to make it fucking happen because they made it this far and they weren't going to stop now.

Charlie was ranting about how fucking awesome that was as they drove fast down the road and then suddenly the could see the big forest past the town and that's when everything sunk in for the friends as they realized what was about to happen.

They were finally going to be free... From disease, poverty, danger, hushers... But more importantly Crowley's wrath.

"We're going to make it," Charlie mumbled through a wide grin. "After all that we're going to make it,"

After a couple of minutes, they were at the edge of the forest getting out and grabbing their things... It had only taken them two days by car to get here and finally it was all over.

"We'll walk the last mile and then the fence should be that way," Charlie exclaimed happily reading the map.

Everyone was beaming with joy... Even Sammy who barely even knew what the hell was going on... Well everyone except Y/N as she glanced up at her father through sadness.

"I'm going to miss you..." She admitted shy not wanting anyone to see her emotions... It would ruin the mood- the one in which would help them escape easier.

"Me too," He mumbled pulling her into a hug. "I wish that we could go with you but we can't we have to cover all of this up... Make sure that Crowley never suspects a thing..."

"I know," She cried through a sigh. "I know,"

"I love you so much,"

"I love you too," And with that, they pulled away and he kissed the top of her head his arms suddenly taken from around her and all the things that he was shielding her from came flooding back.

Next thing Y/N knew she was off in the woods taking one last glance back at her father... Her father glanced back at her through contented eyes and gave a gentle wave one of which she returned.

"Are you alright?" Dean questioned as they walked side by side hands and shoulders brushing against one another. It was then that Y/N realized her tears were still falling.

"What the hell," She mumbled trying to wipe them away.

"Here let me try," He whispered, pulling her by the arm so that they stopped walking and then their chests were touching.

He gently used the pads of his thumbs to white her blotchy cheeks softly. It was when she got lost in his eyes that her tears stopped and she became lost in the green orbs.

Charlie had noticed her gain on the two and quickly turned around a sleeping Sam in her arms as he grinned at the sight of the two. "Y'know Dean I can't carry Sam forever just so you can flirt with Y/N," This caused a blush to form across both their cheeks as the blonde man went to go and apologize to Charlie stopped him. "It's alright... I know you can't carry him I was kidding,"

So they continued on their walk through the woods as red-head still remained in the front. Dean snuck a gaze at Y/N as she caught it flashing him a smile. Then suddenly he grabbed her warm hand and interlocked her fingers with his car one.

"Your hand is cold," She commented through a smirk.

"Well haha bitch Sam is fucking warm!" Charlie exclaimed as suddenly they were all cut short by the sight of a giant fence in front of them.

Then began to notice the signs on the trees saying electric fence ahead beware but they didn't mind them. "Do you think the signs are true?"

"We'll just have to find out," Charlie exclaimed and as they neared the fence Dean gulped.

Once they gained on the fence they all glanced side to side to see how long it really was... And to their surprise, it went as long as they could see.

"So how is this going to work?" The red-head questioned as she put on her thinking face.

"We could poke it with a stick," Charlie mumbled putting Sam to his feet who was now awake. "Or maybe just throw the stick at it-"

"Sammy stop!" Dean exclaimed, however, it was already too late as he touched the fence and crawled over to the other side.

"Look Bean I made it!" Sam exclaimed happily dancing around the other side of the fence. "And yous was scared!"

"So it's not an electric fence?" Y/n questioned through a grin. "Guys we-"

"No but there are cameras so we better move," Dean rushed slipping under the fence though as he did he hit his back on one of the wires and let out a blood-curdling screech.

"And this is why I was going to say to be careful," Y/N mumbled through a sigh. "But... We're over the fence,"


"That's it... All we had to do was go under a fence?" Dean asked his eyes wide as he glanced at the forest ahead.

"Looks that way," Charlie mumbled through a smirk. "Where are we going now?"

"Away from this fence... Away from home," Y/N mumbled glancing back at the place she used to call home. "Then Crowley can't hurt us anymore,"

"You're right... If we become citizens he can't hurt us," Dean pointed out through a grin. "Crowley can't hurt us anymore," Suddenly they all stopped walking and began to cheer and dance and scream and party and just do whatever the theology that they wanted because for the first time ever they were officially free.

They could do whatever the hell they wanted.

That was the first thing they did with their freedom and they weren't ashamed by it one bit. Everything at that meant in time was perfect they had accomplished what they had wanted too all along...

"Why we happys?" Sammy questioned glancing between all of them.

"Because... Sammy Because," Dean grinned taking him into his arms and hugging him close. "You're safer now,"

"I am?" Sam questioned, confused meeting his brother's green eyes. "I thoughts-"

"I love you so much, Sammy,"

"I loves you too Bean,"

"So this is it huh," Charlie mumbled Q's they walked along the forest. "This what we've been waiting for,"

"Doesn't seem like much..." Y/N whispered glancing around the forest. "Doesn't seem like much," 

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