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The next day came quicker than they all had wanted and or expected... Everyone had a slumber party in Y/N's living room. It had been easier for them to discuss their plan and make sure each of them was safe.

Though that couldn't help the worry that bubbled up inside them. Y/N couldn't believe that this was happening. Though the plan seemed simple she knew that it wouldn't be that easy... Someone had to have tried this before.

"Can you please stop worrying for one second!" Charlie scolded as they packed up their things.

"I'm trying!" Y/n hissed as she turned towards her mother who was waiting by the door a proud expression in her features but a sad tint to her eyes.

"Goodbye mom," She whispered the tears in her eyes as she tried to keep it together. "I'm going to miss you,"

"I know... I'm going to miss you so goddamn much too but I'll cover for you, I love you so much,"

"I love you too,"

"Bean when we see mama... Last time we see her she sad," Sammy mumbled pulling on Dean's pant leg causing him to turn from the heartthrob scenes in front of him.

"We will... Soon," Dean mumbled as Sam held out his small pinky causing his brother to crouch to his level.

"Promise?" And at that moment Dean knew that he had never broken a promise though he had to do this to keep the peace.

"I promise,* He locked Pinky's with this little brother and quickly stood up.

Someday... He thought to himself. Maybe someday...

"Are we ready to go?" Charlie questioned her eyes a little glossed over.

"No, come here you!" Y/N's mother exclaimed pulling the red-head into a hug. "I'm going to miss you... I'm going to miss all of you,"

"Won't we sees you soon to?" Sam questioned causing her mother to laugh through a sob.

"Yeah of course... I just always get emotional at goodbyes," She reassured ruffling his thick dark brown locks of hair. "Now you be a good boy for... Bean ok?" She began to laugh using his older brother's nickname causing him to groan.

"He's always good aren't you Sam?"

"Of course!" Sam exclaimed practically toppling onto his brother. "I'm a good boy!"

"Alright time to go!" Charlie exclaimed pushing out of the creaky door. "Wouldn't want to overstay our welcome,"

Next thing they knew they were out the door and hiking toward the next town. "You have to put on your walking shoes Sammy alright?"

"But I already have them on Bean," This caused Y/N to laugh.

"He means that we're going to be waking awhile," She explained as Sam grinned.

"That means we're goin somewhere!"

"Yeah," Dean gripped Sam's hand softly into his own as they walked... Though most people didn't stare as there weren't many around as they took the back roads... Hopefully, their map was still accurate. Speaking of their map...

"Where's the map?" Charlie questioned glancing around at their surroundings.

"Here," Y/N mumbled setting it into her hand. "Why?"

"Never mind we're going the right way," She laughed through a sigh. "I think I'm just stressing myself out,"

They continued on their walk, they walked for hours as suddenly Sammy ended up on Dean's back as they continued. The young boy was asleep by the time the sun began to set and they didn't eat anything for the whole day... Though, they found it alright because more for later.

"How much money do we have?"

"Five hundred altogether," Y/N mumbled through a sigh. "Why?" Dean could tell that the hours of walking had taken a toll on her and Charlie.

Luckily they had taken many breaks and eaten breaks fast a little late before starting on their journey... Or maybe it was them procrastinating from leaving.

"Where are we going to stay tonight?" Charlie suddenly questioned pointing to Dean through wide eyes. "That's what he's getting at,"

"We have to find woods or someplace abandoned to sleep... We can't afford to stay anywhere," Dean and Y/N nodded in approval as Y/N was practically falling asleep while walking.

"There!" Charlie exclaimed through the dwindling darkness. "That looks abandoned right?"

"I guess..." Y/N whispered as they walked over to the abandoned house and turn the door handle it was unlocked.

"See no one," Charlie mumbled eyeing the dirty house. "Two bedrooms one bathroom and a kitchen and a living room nice place,"

"Nice it's dusty as hell," Dean coughed as suddenly Sam began to stir in his sleep. "We better figure out where we're going to sleep for the night,"

That's how they all ended up taking the comforter from the bed and laying it on the floor and all becoming sprawled across it.

"We should have brought more blankets," Y/N shivered as she rolled closer to the others.

"We'll be alright..." Dean reassured through a sigh. "If this is the worst it gets then we'll live,"

"Hopefully," Y/N sighed brushing Sams's hair out of his face as he slept against her chest. "Hopefully,"

The next morning was hell, as when Y/N got up everything was sore and she was more tired than she had ever been before.

"What is going on?" Y/N questioned through a sigh smelling the delicious food.

"Dean's toasting bread in the toaster," Charlie explained through a yawn glancing down at Sam who spoke how ended up in her lap.

"They have a toaster here?" Y/N questioned surprised. "And the owner still works?"

"Yup and that's why the oven is open because we're heating the house,"

"Wow," Y/N mumbled finally realizing that it wasn't too cold.

"Yeah, here you go," Dean gave her a piece of bread on a plate that he must have found in the cupboard.

"Thanks," Y/N mumbled and in the blink of her eyes she gobbled it all up and it was gone.

"So we're walking more today," Charlie mumbled striking Sam's head trying to wake him and to her surprise, it worked.

Neither Y/N nor Charlie had any experience with kids... They both tried to avoid them at all costs. They couldn't think about kids growing up in a place like this-

Suddenly they could hear people screaming from outside and large trucks passing by. The walls were thin, yet another reason that they couldn't stay there.

"Should we check it out?"

"Stay here," Dean mumbled standing up and checking out the window. "I'm going to go and check it out-"

"I'm sure it's nothing we should keep just leave," Y/N mumbled her stomach fluttering with butterflies as she had a bad feeling about this.

"I'll only ve a minute I promise," And before anyone could stop him he was out the door.

"What the hell are we going to do now?" Charlie questioned as she got Sam to his feet.

"We pack up and leave," Y/n mumbled turning ofc the oven and then after five minutes of grabbing their stuff they were out the door.

Sammy's hand was clamped in Y/N's as he glanced up at her. "We find Bean?"

"Yeah, we find Bean,"

Though suddenly big trucks began to pass by and people began to leave their homes, there were then people everywhere. People in the distance were screaming as she gripped Sammy's hand tighter.

Then someone threw a bottle and broke someone's window starting a fire. "We have to go-" She could hear Charlie's voice though in the crowd of people she couldn't find Charlie.

She pulled Sam by the arm but he pulled her back. "Bean! Bean I hear Bean!" And suddenly he was running ofc toward the sound but that sound wasn't his brother at all- that was the sound of pain.  

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