21 | For you. For me. For us.

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"Blimey, that's nice to see." Ron commented, voice heavy with relief.

Draco sat on the edge of the bed and gently ran his long fingers over Harry's forehead, moving his hair out of the way and tracing his famous scar.

"We'll give you a moment," Hermione said softly, brushing a kiss against Draco's cheek and dragging Ron from the room.

"But we just got here!" Ron protested.

"I love you," Draco murmured after they'd gone, pressing his lips to Harry's forehead and running his fingers through his hair. "Please come back to me, love. I miss you."

Healer Bouchard entered the room with the brisk efficiency he had come to expect and appreciate. "We can dress him now, if you like, since his skin is healing so nicely. We have hospital robes here, of course, but he might be more comfortable in his own things when he wakes up."

Draco smiled appreciatively, standing up. "I can go get some things for him."

"Alright. We'll wait to dress him until you get back."

Draco ran into Hermione and Ron out in the hallway. "I'm going to get some clothes for Harry. I'll be back soon."

"Alright. See you later."


After three months in St. Mungo's, the Healers stopped giving Harry the sleeping potion, but still he remained asleep.

Healer Bouchard reassured them all that there was only so much that magic could do, but Harry would be fine. "He has some healing he has to do on his own. He'll wake up when he's ready."

The Weasleys had begun rotating staying with Harry, but Draco rarely left. Mrs. Weasley would bring him food and demand that he eat, then threaten to hex him if he didn't go home and rest for a few hours. Draco would grumble about being smothered, but then he would do as she said, too afraid of her to refuse.

As April drew closer, Draco grew increasingly anxious.

Hermione and Ron did their best to reassure him that being away for a few days for his friend's wedding would be just fine. They would stay with Harry. They would alert him if Harry woke up. It would be fine.

When the time came, with much trepidation, Draco had packed a suitcase, stopped briefly at St. Mungo's to kiss Harry's forehead, then taken a Portkey to Massachusetts to perform his Best Man duties.


An hour later, emerald green eyes fluttered open for a second, and then were clenched tightly shut.

"Where am I?" Harry rasped. His throat burned.

Hermione gasped as Harry's eyes opened again, this time focusing on her blurry face.

"Ron!" Ron jumped in the chair where he'd been dozing, suddenly wide awake. "He's awake, Ron!"

"Harry, you're at St. Mungo's."

"Do you have my glasses?"

Hermione grabbed his glasses off of the bedside table and handed them to him.

Dottie stepped into the room to check in on them and squealed.

"HARRY! You're awake! How are you feeling? Do you need anything? I'll go get your Healer!"

"Water?" Harry requested, his voice grating against his raw throat.

"Of course! I'll get it!"

She took off, leaving Harry to gaze up at his two best friends for a brief moment, taking in their elated expressions with a confused look on his face as his memory of the events that landed him in St. Mungo's slowly returned, leaving him feeling amazed that he'd survived certain death once again.

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