You Take Him To The Library (Jacksons era)

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"Come on Michael, we're ready to go".

I said to the famous child from the Jacksons band.

Tito, Randy, Rebbie, Jermaine, Latoya, and Janet were already out the door.

"Okay mam'm. Just let me get my lucky cap".

Little Michael grabbed his cap and put it on his Afro head.

We all walked outside to the limo and I sat down next Michael, who sat down by window.

"Aw, look how beautiful she looks Randy".

Tito was trying to flirt with me.

I politely smiled at him.

Michael clinged onto me because he wanted me all to himself.

He didn't want his older brothers to have sex with me because he knew that I was still a virgin.

Once we got to our destination, the boys hurried inside with their little brother trailing behind.

"Boys, we're not supposed to be running around in the library".

Katherine Jackson reminded her children.

I just rolled my eyes with a smile, and she did the same.

We both quietly snickered.

In the music section, young Michael Jackson was looking for a good book to read.

"What'cha looking for Michael"?

I whispered, as to avoid disturbing the other people who were trying to read.

"I want a book about Elvis Presley mam'm. Please and thank you".

He smiled like a young gentleman would do.

I helped him find the book he wanted and then we went to go sit down at the library tables.

Tito and Randy had found a joke book, and they were both snickering like crazy.

"What book did you boys find that was interesting"?

Katherine asked them, and then she looked over their shoulder. Randy snorted with more laughter.


The librarian quietly shushed them.

Meanwhile, Janet needed help to grab a certain book that she wanted, but she wasn't tall enough to reach it.

"Mike, can you help me get that book up there"?

She asked her little brother.

Michael excitedly nodded his head up and down, and then he walked over to the aisle of books.

He tried his very best to reach up on the top shelf, but it was useless.

"Oh Michael, you aren't gonna reach that book. You're too teensy".

Tito teasingly snickered, and Michael crossed his arms and gave him the pouty face.

"Here, I'll help you Michael".

I carefully lifted up the boy so he could grab the book that his sister wanted to borrow from the library.

"Thank you Michael".

Janet smiled and kissed him on the cheek playfully.

This made Michael giggle.

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