👿 Imagine 1 👿

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Obey me!

Making pizza

Lucifer arrived late at home, he was busy with a lot of work. He and Diavolo worked on many documents, the finance and the partition for the house chores. He threw his bag on bed and afterwards his body, he stretched and sighed relieved that he is done for today. He closed his eyes and took a little nap for at least 30 Minutes,after those time, lucifers stomach growled.
Lucifer grumbled and stood up from his bed to make his way down to the kitchen, while taking the stairs down, he bumped into MC. Lucifer looked down to her and met her eyes after that. Lucifer usually doesn't have those feelings of passionate love, but his heart beats faster than before when he does Diavolos tasks and orders. #Nohomo.
He blinks and looks at her up and down with a judging face. MC was wearing a Dark red short with a matching dark red top,the top was covering a bit of her chest, but her belly button was seen. Around her body was a little cardigan in black with gold glitter on the zipper. MC looks stunning and lucifers eyes turned a bit purple. "Hey Lucifer" MC broke the silence and smiled at him warmly. Lucifer blinked and cleared his throat and asked her "Hey..i am hungry who is in duty for the dinner?", MC smiled and answered him kindly, "Actually I don't know, no one is home yet, if You are hungry let's cook together". Lucifer stopped his breath for a moment and cough, he slowly nod and lead her to the kitchen. "What groceries do we have?" lucifer asked MC avoiding to catch eye contact. "Not so much, we have to go shopping later but for now oj, we can our own pizza" she said and looked at Lucifer with a cute smile and sparkling eyes. Lucifer got lost in those eyes and starred at her for a moment, until MC talked and he snapped back to reality. "please please i never done that before" she said begging like a child, lucifer shook his body and nod. MC grinned happily and got ready to prepare the dough with him, while making the dough, Lucifer washed the trimmings and cut some vegetables, MC put the dough in a warm spot to let it grow bigger. She watched Lucifer doing his work and secretly put some Flour on her fingertips. Slowly she pocked lucifers face with it and laughed. "Whate?" lucifer looked confused and saw her hands full of flour, MC laughed and threw some on him. Lucifer sneezed and looked at her with a smirk on his face, "Oh this is what you Want to do?" lucifer took some flour too and attacked MC with it. MC laughed and run away from him, Lucifer chased her around the kitchen and catches her afterwards. MC laughed with Lucifer but stopped after a while.
She saw his eyes, his eyes radiates passionate and love. Lucifer put her on the kitchen counter while holding onto her waist. They both starred in each other's eyes for a while, before MC smashed her lips on Luficers, Luficer Widend his eyes and blinked for a moment to adjust the situation. MC didn't stopped kissing him which made lucifer sure that it is really happening. He kissed her back and pulled her body so close to his and grabbed her ass. "Slow down you animal!" Luficer and MC heard the sound of Leviathans voice. They both kissed for a last time and MC jumped on Luficer, he hugged her and put her on ground. "I knew this would happen" leviathan said with a disgust face. "Come on don't look like that" asmodeus said joining them in the kitchen, "Its normal for lovers" he added. Leviathan rolled his eyes but caught to keep on talking "Is the food done?" he asked. "Oh the dough" MC said and opened the kitchen wardrobe to take out the dough, she put it on the table with a bit flour on it.
"Omg yes you guys are doing pizza" he said excitedly and clapped his Hands, "Help us we have to do really much because of Beelzebub" Luficer said and rolled the dough. Asmodeus and leviathan said "Nope". "I don't want my Hands to get dirty, i just did my nails done" said asmodeus and blew on his nails, "I don't want to help, i have a game competition starting on 10 minutes" leviathan said and wanted to go with Asmodeus.
"Guys can you please help us, you two know that Beelzebub eats a lot of food, so it will take a lot of time and hard work to make much pizza" MC looked at them with cute begging eyes.
"Okes!" both agreed.

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