😈Imagine 17😈

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You Help them/Soft


After a Long Stressful Day Lucifer lays back on his Couch "Just a Small Break"he says and then Falls Asleep after 5 Minutes.

"I am craving for a Midnight Snack" MC Whisper's to herself making her way to the kitchen , but before that, something caught her attention.

Lucifer's Door. Its Half Open.
Like a curious Cat MC makes her way to Lucifers Room and peeks through the Door. MC then completely opens the Door and close it behind her as she enters his Rooms.
"My sweetheart..." MC Whisper's as she gets closer to Lucifer's and opens his Tie and unbuttons his Shirt a bit and makes him lay proper on the Couch. She puts a Pillows under his Head and put a Blanket on him and gives him a Kiss before Finishing the Work for him...

"Oh Hell its 3 AM and i am still not....finished" he says as he cuts himself off. The Work is Done. And MC has her Head on the Table. "No way...did she".
Lucifer looks through the Papers and starts smiling. "Gosh I love her so much" he says and carries her. He Gently puts her on his Bed and kisses her. "I am so Happy to have you".
He lays next to her and pulls her closer to him embracing her with his Arms.


"Ah Heck Men" Mammon Says Annoyed,"I Forget that i had Cooking Dutty!" He won the Game to end and called MC immediately to ask her to take over his Duty. "What do i get?" she asks and Mammon answer "Whatever you wish now Please! Hurry!" he says.


MC takes a long breath and goes to the Kitchen to start Cooking. She decided to make a Hot Pot with lots of Vegetables. She started cutting the Vegetables and then put them into the Pot. While the Hot Pot is boiling MC decides to make a Salad too and some little desserts.

After a few time she forgets about the Pot.
"Bloody Hell" she says and touches the Pot.
"HECk" she screams and holds her Mouth. She turns off the Oven and puts Cold Water on her Hand.
"Shit...it hurts" she whispers in Pain.

"MC? I heard you...what happend??" Asmodeus asks, "N-nothing" MC says and hides her Hand.

"OIIIIIII I AM BACK. THANKS MC YOU ARE THE BEST" Mammon says and grins. "So i see. You did Mammons Dutty" Asmodeus says and looks at Mammon.
"Hey Mammon! Thanks for the Compliment BYeeee" MC says laughing and runs past Asmodeus and Mammon. "Damn yoo she's Pretty Fast" Mammon says.
"I heard her screaming" Asmodeus says and looks at the kitchen and sees the ice packs.
"Why would she scream? I guess she saw your face thats why" Mammon says.
"I know i am the Prettiest. But i think she burned her Hand while doing your dutty" he says and goes.
Mammon looks confused and goes to MC her room. "MC??" he says and opens her door after knocking.

MC was holding her wrist and looks at Mammon.
"You dumbhead...." he says and pulls her arm Closer and looks at her Hand.
"Thats all my Fault" he says and blows on her Hand, "Mammon...its okey its just an Accident" MC says calmly.
"No...its my Fault" he says and makes her lay on bed. He takes Medicine and starts treating her Hand and putting a bandage around it. He kisses her head.
"Rest Darling" he says before going.


"Hey MC the Book you lend me, i gave it to Leviathan cause he needed that really much" Satan Said. MC nodded.
"No problem Satan thanks for telling me" MC smiles and goes to Leviathan's Room. She Knocks. No Answer. After a long time of knocking Leviathan Screams.
"Asmodeus  get away! I am Busy and dont have any time for your Gossip now". You just enter and look at him.
"Levii i am not Asmodeus. I am here for-
"MCC GREAT TIMING MY LOYAL FRIEND" he says loudly and pulls you down to the ground and gives you a controller. "This has to be done in a solo team!" he says and starts playing.
You have no Idea what it is but you end up raging all night with Leviathan. He keeps on talking about how cool that Play was and that he was struggling while playing alone but with MC it was Easy Peasy.
"Thank You so Much MC...i love you" he then realizes that you are sleeping with your head on his Lap. Leviathan Blushes and quieks Quietly. He slowly leans on and kiss your Lips.

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