Chapter 3 "Minigames!!"

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Molten: "were supposed to jump into that!?"

Bryan: "Yea!"

Molten: "Can you demonstrate me?"

Bryan: "Sure, you just gotta-"

Molten: *Pushes everyone*

Bryan: "AHHHH"

R.S Foxy: "Ahhh!"

Happy frog: "AHHH!"


Helpy: "PLEASE- AHHH!"

Y/n: "Please don't-!"

Molten: "I'm not gonna do everything to you!"

Y/n: "O-Oh...!? Well jump in!"

For both readers:

Molten: "Ladies first!"

Y/n: "heh If you said so, weeeee!"

Molten: "Heh, cute....I MEAN!! *Whipsers* Whatever...!"

They jumped through the portal to minigames

All: "AHHHHH-!"

they all landed of Bryan (-w-)

Bryan: "Ahhh~ pain...." (NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY!! OWO YOU DIRTY PERSON)

All: "Sorry!"

Molten: *Gives hand* "Here let me help...

Y/N: *Smiles* "Thanks Molten!"

Molten: "I-Its my pleasure..."

Y/N: *Whispers to Bryan* "See he's not 'bad'!"

Bryan: "Shut it! *mad alittle*

Molten: "So...what place or game are we in...?"

Y/N: "FLEE THE FACILITY!!! YESS I LOVE THIS GAME!! (yes UwU -w- no Roblox maps, just random maps)

R.S Foxy: "All hell nah!!" "REEEEE I HATE THIS GAME!!" T^T

Helpy: "Foxy your only upset is cuz you kept getting caught by the beast!"

F.Chica: "Ya~ Dramatic much...?"

R.S Foxy: "Says the one that one misses there 'husband' alot....!"

F.Chica: "uh! Whatever....!"

Bryan: "So.... who's the beast-"

Happy Frog: "Ummmm I AM!"

Y/N: "NO!! NOT LIKE LAST TIME!!" *hides in a bush*

Molten: "Why are you hiding in a bush..?"


Happy Frog: "huh your hiding in a bush aye...?"


Molten: "Sorry... *Not sorry* but I found a computer over there.."

Y/N: "Nice! *Grabs hand and runs* Lets go!"

Molten: *Blushes* "Can someone explain what do we do in this game..?"

R.S Foxy: "You Die but you got to hack computers to survive!"

Helpy: "No Foxy! But that was like a stupid version tho! Well the way you play this game is if your a survivor you have to hack 5 or 4 computers to escape from the beast and if your the beast you have to capture everyone and freeze them to death in a tube, survivors can help you to be free from the freezing tube to escape from the beast"

Molten: "Oh, alright. Sounds like horror movie but okay!"

Y/N: "Come on, hack the computers!

Molten: "Alright, Alright!

20 minutes later (I'm little lazy -w-)

Molten: "AHHHHH!" *Dies*

Y/N: "Yay! I won!

Everyone: "No!!"


Y/N: "Oh Shush you, you sore loser!"

Everyone except Foxy: "Woah!"

R.S. Foxy: "YOU WANNA GO HUH?!!"

Molten: "Woah, Woah, Woah aren't ya two friends or something?!"

Both: "Most of time! But when it comes to minigames it's competitive with eachother then turns to saying mean stuff to eachother!!"

Bryan: "Alright, Alright...I think we should *Yawn* go back now!"

Everyone fly's up, then gets spits out of the portal

All: "Owww!"

Bryan: "So how did you enjoy, Molten?

Molten: "It was quite alright, I just hated the dying part..."

All: "You will get use to it!"

Bryan: "Well I think I'm gonna go now! Y/N you wanna come or stay here for a while?"

Y/N: "I'm gonna stay here for a bit longer!"

Bryan: "Here! *gives the keys for the place* when you leave close the doors okay?

Y/N: "Alright!

All: "Bye!"

R.S Foxy: "I'm going to sleep!"

Y/N: "Sore loser!"

R.S Foxy: "Oh shut the hell up!

Molten: "I have to say something, do you guys curse..?"

Y/N: "Yea..? Why wouldn't we? We're old enough!"

For girls readers:

Molten: "But you look like a child...?"

Y/N: "What do you mean...? Just because of my height!?"

Molten: "Yea..!"

Y/N: "I'm 4'11!"

Molten: "That means your small"

Y/N: *Blushes* MMMMM!!

Molten: "Awww is someone getting aggressive...?"

Y/N: "Mmmm Shut up! How tall are you..?

Molten: "6 feet!"

All: "Oh my god!"

Molten: "That's how every animatronics were suppose to be this height but someone change it!"

For boys readers:

Molten: "You look like a teen..?"

Y/N: "I'm 5'3! Im one inch smaller than Bryan!"

Molten: Awww is someone getting aggressive

Y/N: "TSK No! But how tall are you?!"

Molten: "6 Feet!"

All: "Oh my god!"

Molten: "That's how every animatronics were suppose to be this height but someone change it!"

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Sorry if I haven't been updating this story I'm just busy with other stuff, one of them life...
Well bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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