Benji gets in a routine

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Routine has always been something I wanted📝. I wanted to get benji in a routine so that he could remind me what time it was. I have had him in the routine of sitting by the door when he had to go out. Then I got him in the routine of every morning at 10:00 was food time and I bought him dentex stixs and when ever I said "brush teeth" he would run to my room and sit by my desk (where I kept the treats.) and he knows when it's bed time and will go lay down in my bed and wait for me. So I will give you and look at what happens every morning.

Around eight o'clock "benji go potty?" I will go to the door and let him out he goes right to the grass does his business and walks back inside (especially cold mornings.) I eat breakfast and get ready for the day.
10:00 am "benji! Food?" This is when he comes running to me and perks his ears then follows me outside where is food is stored I normally come back in and cut up a carrot and put it in there, then he gets excited. I try to keep it a secret from him but I put apple cider vinegar in his food (strengthens bladder.)
11:00 I let him out again to go to the bathroom
For a while he just walks around the house
5:00 dinner (or win ever he is hungry.)
Then I run around the house with him and get ready for bed
8:00 "brush teeth?" Benji comes running in and sits by my desk I grab a dentex stick and snap my finger (then he sit.)
9-10 we get in bed and sleep
Now don't get me wrong it doesn't always goes like this it's only when I am in a routine mode.

Tricks benji knows :

Snap my fingers = sit

Tap my foot = lay down

Whistle = paw

Brush teeth = sits and waits for a dentex stick

Bed time = jump in the bed and lay down

Bad! = puts head down and flinches expecting you to hit him

Fetch + pointing = he fetches what ever you are pointing at.

So that's basically all the tricks benji knows I hope you enjoy these stories
If so plz hit that star on the next page and let me know what you think in the comment box! Thx for reading!!😆

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