Benji's first time home

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Benji's pov: I was carried in the house by a blonde girl and a brown haired lady I am greeted by a big dog "bark! bark!" I immediately knew what he was saying and I was scared "hey who's the puppy! is he a chew toy!" I shivered and buried my nose in the blonde girls shirt. she walked into the kitchen and across the room three sleeping boys there was two boys awake Matthew who had grabbed one of my brothers and grant some kid who loved dogs. I whinnied at my brother relieved that he was with me but scared about my mom. she turned into a bedroom were a man laid in a bed "Sydney!" he welcomed the girl with the blonde hair. "hey dad look I got a puppy!" he grabbed me and rubbed behind my ears he snuggled up to me. I was tired and got comfortable and fell asleep..... "puppy puppy!" Sydney was calling me I woke up jumped to my feet and shook off and jumped into her arms she carried me through the living room and on the couch she had set up a pillow and blanket. "where is my brother?" I groaned I soon realized they had taken him to a deferent house I didn't seem to care I curled up on the couch and soon dozed off she almost cried as she watch me curl at her feet just as her other dog had done.

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