38. whipped just for you

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changbin walked into school the next day exhausted with aching muscles everywhere inside him. because of what happened yesterday, it pretty much sums up the whole of it.

"ugh, it's only been the first day and i can't move. i guess working out isn't as effective as i thought." he muttered to himself, enduring the pain ten times torturous than what he would normally deal with.

it hadn't been a few minutes yet and the other could already find himself having his name being called out. turning around to face the owner of the voice, he raised his eyes in awareness when he just stood there, staring into the distance.

"yo changbin!" minho called out somewhat peculiar than usual. he seemed much happier to what he should have been showing, it was very weird to see the older all excited all of a sudden.

running over to his friend before him, he excitedly smiled when he abruptly attacked the other seconds later. his arm was immediately wrapped around changbin's neck as he pulled him down with great force.

"woah, minho- what are you-" changbin shockingly asked, unable to finish off his sentence. that unexpected yet strong force had stopped him from saying any more.

"just the guy i was looking for!" minho happily exclaimed, changbin soon standing up straight after having to deal with a heavy force and painful aches.

"what do you mean by that? why are you so happy? it's school we're dealing with." he answered, bombarding the older with countless of questions. minho laughed at changbin's words and playfully smacked him on the shoulders when he had finally released his arm off him.

changbin slightly flinched at the actions, his whole baffled expression was displaying on his face soon after. he had no idea what was up with him today and it was getting too weird.

"no you silly, i'm dreaded to be here." the older replied, his gummy smile still on his face as he couldn't hold his emotions any longer. changbin, on the other hand, raised another eyebrow in confusion with what was going on.

"then why are you so happy?" changbin asked, silently judging the older's happiness that was so rare. not gonna lie, he had never seen the other so contented before and it was starting to creep him out.

"oh that's because... wait, i'll tell you later. how was your training by the way, i'm surprised you still made it alive." minho answered, surprised to see that he was still able to move. the other rolled his eyes at the response as he also playfully hit minho back with his fist, it was all full of laughter and fun.

"oh shush, yesterday's training was extremely painful, i can't even walk properly." he answered, the pain still distracting him from anything else.

minho evilly chuckled and patted his hand on changbin's shoulder with a smirk. "it's meant to be like that on the first day, you'll get used to it." his cocky tone made the other roll his eyes in annoyance.

"you think i didn't know that? for your information, i've been working out for a while now-" changbin began when he was suddenly cut off again.

"changbin hyung! how did your training go?" both males turned to look at an excited jeongin as he ran towards them with a giant smile plastered on his face, seungmin walking from behind.

"oh hey jeongin." changbin greeted the younger with a smile when he turned his head to face a grumpy seungmin beside him. "and him." 

changbin didn't say any more and returned his view towards the two other boys who were stood around him. both jeongin and minho noticed the cold greetings between the two, looking at each other with a defeated shrug and an awkward smile before turning back to changbin.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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